96. China in your hands.

Don't push so hard, it is no good for ourselves, it is no good for others.

Life is fragile. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow. A calm sea can become aftermath of a tsunami. Whether we believe in some religious teachings: Life is suffering, accept it or this world is not my world. However they bring out a point about life; life is indeed fragile, conditioned things are impermanent.

Having said that we need to keep optimism in life. Live simple in life then we would be able to manage more stress and be less worry.

I wish we could put New York, London in our hands.

I was told that the name of Nylon was originated from combining Ny and Lon.

In life, Nylon symbolises strong, toughness and resilence.

"When you follow your own dreams you are putting Nylon in Your Hands. When you follow other people dreams you are putting China in Your Hands." - Simon Kong

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