99. People like to listen to praises

People like to listen to good words.

As most people like to be praised. They are many rhetorical devices developed to please people.

We have street-wise people talking about the middle path. They always talk about middle path, never agree with the extreme scenarios. They always painted a rosy picture even the situation was bad. They would say somethings good to cushion the effects of bad situation.

We have people talking about euphemism. A better term for a word, indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to embarasing or unpleasant. For example: retraining centre instead of prison camp, quantitative easing instead of printing more money, unusual uncertainty instead of weak economic recovery which provides the soothing effect.

We have salesmen talking about benefits of products and leave the fine prints for your reading pleasure.

We have people talking about other people weaknesses and leave out theirs own short coming.

When we listen to only one-sided story. Be careful, somethings have gone wrong somewhere.

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