101 Habit, Experience and Irrational Response

We are the victim of our own experience, habits and irrational responses. When we see and heard people (including ourselves) behaved and responded in certain ways or irrational ways, perhaps we would like to pause for a while and ponder upon...
What background did that person (ourselves) have? They might come from different religion belief, different upbringing experience and exposure especially in their teenager/ childhood time.
Change the way we behaved has to be supported by rational means and efforts.
A body, a mind, a spirit needs not to defense what it is right or wrong all the time. Acknowledege the differences of opinion or approach will make us enjoy a better life.
How to get the act right?
1) Reduce our nature of hypervigilance.
2) Exercise our common sense.
3) Reflect and ruminate three times daily.
4) Having a positive ritual for all activities that we do.