102. Life Expectancy

People expect life can go on and on for many years. Some even expect life expectancy can reach 85 and beyond.

With air and water pollution and so many viruses around I doubt this figure is realistic.

In reality when we look at obituary pages you would be surprised to see the number is surprising low.

It is not wise to look at life as a perpetual multiplication of ten years. The best is look at it every two and half minutes interval. How many of us can hold a breath for more than 2.5 minutes? truly.

Why we need to be so mindful of 2.5min life cycle?

beacuse money is unlimited, work is unlimited but life is limited.

Having a concept of value life today as if tomorrow is never come. Improve our life in every way and to live it to the fullest. Ths sooner we realise this concept the better the quality of life it will be.

Life is repeating cycle of 2.5mins until the cycle hits a wall, any wall. - Simon Kong

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