103. Contentment leads to Calmness

When we have contentment we gain calmness. Once we have calmness we can set out what we want to achieve in life.

In religious teaching, one purpose is to teach us to understand the true meaning of no attachment. People learn it from different religious texts, prayer,ritual,mantra meditation or by their own expereince or by self-reflection so once the truth is manifested there is an inner sense of calmness or equanimity.

"So contentment isn’t a matter with being content with your situation in life and never trying to improve it. It’s a matter of being content with what you have — but realizing that as humans, we will always try to improve, no matter how happy we are. If we don’t, we have given up on life." - zenhabits

“Happiness is self-contentedness.” - Aristotle

With contentment you befriend within yourself.

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