104. Brain Stability

I have thought of writing a subject on brain stability. here someone did it more professionally

ScienceDaily (Mar. 7, 2011) — A new study finds that a brain rhythm considered the hallmark of wakefulness not only persists inconspicuously during sleep but also signifies an individual's vulnerability to disturbance by the outside world. In their report in the March 3 PLoS One, the team from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Division of Sleep Medicine uses computerized EEG signal processing to detect subtle fluctuations in the alpha rhythm during sleep and shows that greater alpha intensity is associated with increased sleep fragility. The findings could lead to more precise approaches to inducing and supporting sleep.


"We found that the alpha rhythm is not just a marker of the transition between sleep and wakefulness but carries rich information about sleep stability," says Scott McKinney, informatics manager at the MGH Sleep Lab.

My thinking is simple : When we can control our brainwave state 24 hours a day, we would then consider having the ability to master our brain stability.

More research need to be done in this area.

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