118. A Charismatic Investor

The making of an investor or a trader is an art...

A trader or an investor needs to have information, calm and analytical mind, discipline and with the ability to act under pressure. However no body can match Warren Buffett's track record. People read his book and knew his principle of investing and now they witnessed this man put the understanding into action.

This is what was reported: "Why now? Buffett tells Becky that BofA's shares "have gone down a lot" and the bank is "certain to be around" for a long time."

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Warren Buffett showed again that his name and money is enough to give a struggling company instant credibility in the market. But the legendary investor also demonstrated his canny command of that reputation means that such deals can immediately generate profits.

Bank of America Corp on Thursday said Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway would invest $5 billion in the bank, the largest by assets in the United States."- By Clare Baldwin

"Buffett tells us he came up with the idea of an investment while taking a bath earlier this week, and he asked BofA CEO Brian Moynihan yesterday if Berkshire could do the deal." -cnbc

My conclusion is : We breathe in air and breathe out air but Buffett breathing investment air every moment of second.

Warren Buffett made that $5B investment decision while he was taking a bath.

BOA shares since declined to $5.24 two months later. This is what he said:

"We agreed to hold it for at least five years, so what I'm thinking about is where Bank of America will be in five years, and nothing in the last 24 hours or 48 hours has changed my views on that," the Berkshire Hathaway Inc chief executive told Reuters on the sidelines of Fortune magazine's Most Powerful Women Summit.- Yahoo

However, on Oct 27, the stock values @$7.23, a mere $2 increased in price. On Nov 23, it pulled back to $.5.14. Warren Buffett seldom make mistakes. This time, Europe zones crisis might have caught him off-guard, or the Europe situation is so multi-faceted that no financial gurus can see the crystal balls.

Nontheless I use a Chinese phrase to describe his mind state in his decision making : "胸有成竹 xiong you cheng zhu" it literally means full of courage and confidence.

Warrens method of investment is suitable for people who have deep pockets...

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