120. Learn from the pain

" I let go of bad feeling and choose to feel good" - John Selby

We get experience by learning from others mistakes and by ourselves. However until we experience and feel the pains from the mistake made, we had not learnt from the experience. In other words when we made mistakes without paying for a price, or people paying the price for us and that experience can not consider as a true experience.

When we made mistakes we usually fall into a negative loop of recurring pains. Methods or techniques which can resolve those pains are many. The purpose is to keep the experience of true neurons' connection but removing the bad feeling which associated with the experience.

On a positive note, a person needs to keep going the momentum of life, stay away from being stagnant, and stay focus on target to prevent going down the slippery slope. Doing somethings out of routine would help to bring stressful and tearful life back to normal.

Let's smiling and ready for a good night sleep and a fresh day ahead. Enjoy Eat, Play, Pray and Love in this moment.

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