131. Live your dream

Another big green apple has fallen after Sir Isaac Newton. A big loss to human civilisation.

Steve job lived his dream. One of geniuses in our century who created computer technology to bridge the gap of communication among people all over the world so that we can connect to each other despite space and time constraints right at this moment.

Unfortunately genius dies early. My sincere condolence.

Steve Jobs went against the conventional concept and a look of a big boss. He was perfectionist and at the same time, a social visionary who can put ideas into product.

" You have alreday naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart. Have a courage to follow your heart and intuition. Love what you do." - Steve Jobs

In future, I believe Steve Jobs and Bill Gates should be given Nobel Prize winners for "Technology".

Looking forward:

Over emphasising paper qualification is counter-productive. The conventional technological and business schools produce graduates who have knowledge but that is just the beginning. Now a person, Steve Jobs, who can manage unconscious mind is the winner. Activating Unconscious Mind is a sure way for creativity and innovation works. This is what Steve Jobs' notion of follow your heart and intuition.

Interesting though. I have found one or two things shared common ground with these two giants. One was that I took up brain science and psychology at a university when I was actually studying Chemistry and Technolgy Courses. And the learning outcome was very clear that i did not do well in college days. My another difference from these giants was that I did not persue my dream during my entired employment life.

With time and space are now liberated and information are easily available and accessible. Even without formal training and eventaully I enjoy doing Neuro and EEG brain training for mankind (see www.eegasia.com.sg). My dream has come through.

When I was a small boy in 1960, my elders told me that by year 2000, "Human being will grow into big headed with small leg, who could see through thousand miles away and developing a talent which helps them receive information in the air." Now we have internet, ipad and i-phone etc. It seems only that our head grow smaller and smaller because of radiation, stress and pollution factors. However a solution has been found, Neurofeedback brain training will help the brain to prevent it from getting smaller.

So all these three things my elders told me many years ago, they have already happend before me.

I will continue champion for Neurofeedback and EEG Biofeddback awakening state for the humankind. A sure way for promoting better functioning brain; an ultimate way for a healthy, a peaceful society.

May everyone's dream come alive.

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