132. Keep Walking

I look around me, people around me about my age, my friends of my age. Many of them have difficulty walking. But some of them still can run a full marathon.

I do not know when I am going to join the former group. In the mean time, my winning formula is "Keep Walking"

Friends, Readers who are divided by this simple statement, they have two major responses. People who practise faith they may take this idea and start to do somethings about it. Another group of logical people may not buy the idea.

Well If you dont buy the idea, you have a choice. I have very strong reasons for this statement. If you want you can write it to me at amkong(at)singnet.com.sg

Knees or angles should not be the limited factors preventing us from walking. Get someone who is stronger, who is more positive in life, ask him or her goes with you walking for another mile...

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