134, A Centenarian ran a Marathon. Well Done.

"For Marathoner; before during and after, take care of your legs." - simon kong

He ran a marathon full race, 42.195km.

We break our own record,
We break other's record,
We don't break record,
We don't want to break record,
People break our record...

I have been running mini marathon for 8 years. In marathon, I think the next most important landmark is having a joy of breaking our personal records; try our best to meet life goals. It serves as a motivational factor, a lamp post for life. The main aim for exercise, ie Marathon, is to keep fit, even though our health conditions are not in perfect states.

May Mr. Fauja Singh @London consider forming a running club for Centenarians, open membership for junior members to inspire them. Cheers.

Marathon full race is not a laughing matter. It shows a person determination, patience and never say die attitude. I like an event Emcee humour: (Once we have started a race, 3 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours; keep going, complete the race.) "If we can't run, we walk; If we can't walk, we crawl"; we will wait for you at the finishing line.

With Mr. Fauja Singh encouragement, I think my coming race record in December would be very interesting, it may close to my personal best or even surpass my personal best...

Don't give up. Love what you do.

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