135. Climb That Tree
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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I like Summit Momle's cartoon. Imagine that we are asked to perform an impossible task, set out by a system requirement.
Again people are born differently, with given enough material incentive, people will try to imitate success people and behaviour. Even with limited knowledge of their own short-coming.
In this picture,if there is a bait up on a tree, it is likely that almost all living things will go on pursuing their survival goals. They will try all efforts in achiving their goals. Some of them can still make it successfully and abandantly. In his case a bird and a monkey which can follow the system requirement would do it excetionally well, but for a fish to reach to the tree top, it has to do two things: Firstly it needs to jump out of a fish container, secondly it needs to face a live and dead situation for surviving in the thin air.
Elephants are happy on the ground. Once they are forced to climb trees,they may destroy your trees, your systems.
Do you think it is really worthwhile to try it? shorten one's life to exchange for a bait?
Do you think it is worthwhile to sacrify your innate intelligence to exchange for a socially acceptable intelligence?
There may be a reason as why there are so many potential Albert Einsteins, potential Leonardo Da vincis would become less successful in a rigid, or in a standardised system. (I mean they will gradully become very ordinary people, have normal achievement, even though they were born with innate genius ability because they are forced to do somethings beyond their reach.)
May all teachers and parents be aware that while we enjoy our way of life and belief; knowing that people are different, accept other people's way of life, it is good for the whole world. You never know people who have gifted talents can solve our catastrophic global warming, exponential population @ 7 billions, self-sabotage human relationships, dead locked economic issues etc.
The idea of Albert Einstein was to promote human unique quality, respect human nature, live as a human and respect each other differences as human being, we would live in a more peaceful world.
We need to have 99% of stupidity and stubbornness in order to achieve somethings significantly in life.
Give a brain more time to develop its potential. Give a system more time to upgrade itself. Microwave mentality would not produce good system at work and a genius would not follow an "effective" logical defined path of life.
"Fish, must stay in water." - Simon Kong

I like Summit Momle's cartoon. Imagine that we are asked to perform an impossible task, set out by a system requirement.
Again people are born differently, with given enough material incentive, people will try to imitate success people and behaviour. Even with limited knowledge of their own short-coming.
In this picture,if there is a bait up on a tree, it is likely that almost all living things will go on pursuing their survival goals. They will try all efforts in achiving their goals. Some of them can still make it successfully and abandantly. In his case a bird and a monkey which can follow the system requirement would do it excetionally well, but for a fish to reach to the tree top, it has to do two things: Firstly it needs to jump out of a fish container, secondly it needs to face a live and dead situation for surviving in the thin air.
Elephants are happy on the ground. Once they are forced to climb trees,they may destroy your trees, your systems.
Do you think it is really worthwhile to try it? shorten one's life to exchange for a bait?
Do you think it is worthwhile to sacrify your innate intelligence to exchange for a socially acceptable intelligence?
There may be a reason as why there are so many potential Albert Einsteins, potential Leonardo Da vincis would become less successful in a rigid, or in a standardised system. (I mean they will gradully become very ordinary people, have normal achievement, even though they were born with innate genius ability because they are forced to do somethings beyond their reach.)
May all teachers and parents be aware that while we enjoy our way of life and belief; knowing that people are different, accept other people's way of life, it is good for the whole world. You never know people who have gifted talents can solve our catastrophic global warming, exponential population @ 7 billions, self-sabotage human relationships, dead locked economic issues etc.
The idea of Albert Einstein was to promote human unique quality, respect human nature, live as a human and respect each other differences as human being, we would live in a more peaceful world.
We need to have 99% of stupidity and stubbornness in order to achieve somethings significantly in life.
Give a brain more time to develop its potential. Give a system more time to upgrade itself. Microwave mentality would not produce good system at work and a genius would not follow an "effective" logical defined path of life.
"Fish, must stay in water." - Simon Kong