136. Three Fingers Method

I use 3-finger method for the benefit of a group, I do not use it for myself or my company.
Three Finger Method is a method used by Jose Silva; it is a basic course syllabus in Silva method. I learned it in 2003. Some time I shared with my closed friends casually. I called it managing coincident.
For details, please look for qualified trainers in your area, i.e. Nancy in my area. This method is amazing and exciting but one thing I would like to comment is that after José Silva passed away, they did not do much further research into new discovery.
Here I have three examples for 3-finger method:
1) When after 5 hours of trekking, everybody was so tired. In my mind...why not ask for a big van which can fetch us to a next destination where we can have our late lunch. Surprisingly it happened 2 times in two separate occasions, a 100% on target. Lorry and Big Van came within minutes after my calls. Managing coincident? I did not tell my friends about it until at a much later date.
2) After a long trekking journey, when waiting for a bus home, our team mate getting very inpatient in waiting, a member asked me, Simon can you use your three fingers. I obliged. But in my mind I have two numbers, 2 and 3 mins. I was not sure which number to tell her, so I kept quiet about it. I gave no answer for my friends after her request. You know what happened, after 5 mins waiting, two busses came one after another... coincident again. When each time I asked for it, the probability of answering my calls was very high.
3) In a public speaking speech contest; my friend, one of the organisers, he wanted to have more audience participation. He said, Simon can you use your three fingers to ask for 100 more audience to come. I obliged. I told him, you may have 30 more to come. He said, give me 100. I told him, 30 are the most. At the end of the day someone counted participants' numbers were 109, and my friend final counting was 140. Ha-ha managing coincident.
This method is used when you have done all your preparation work, hard work and want a bonus point by asking more coincident event to be happened in future.
Managing subconscious mind is so uncertain and unpredictable, until one day there is more research study in this area, as to bring our untapped resources to a new height.
My key in managing coincident is not to set expectation; use multiple sensory inputs with strong intention.