149. An Artificial Mountain

When we went on climb Mt. Rinjani in Indonesia last year, a life volcanoic mountain near Bali area, we received a momentary comment from a rest-house owner, he said that Singaporeans were one of the slowest trekkers' groups in the world. Yes it is nerve breaking revelation but I did not dispute that statement as our island country state has only a hill which stands at 160m, it is called Bukit Timah hill, "the highest mountain".
For mountain climbing enthusiasts, now we have a solution for those we have the desire to scale highest mountains. You can start training at our aritifical mountains all over the country, or in many countries. If your want to have a summit climb of 1000m within a day, you can simulate a situation by climbing 10 rounds of 40 floors' high rise building.
But there is one problem that we have not really found a right solution, ie Mountain sickness. Nontheless this artificial mountain training regime would provide us improvement in heart rate variability, lung and legs capability enhancement trainings.