152. Thank You Neuroscientists & EEG Biofeedback Pioneers
Neuroscience has been advanced into a very high level of brain science. There are many neuroscience gurus now as compared to fifteen years ago where we had less knowledge in this area. Many neuroscientists explain well the working mechanism of neurons inside the brain and I particularly like Prof. Dale Purves simplified version. Let's look at some ideas from on what happen inside our neurons by Prof Purves and Augustine findings:
1) Transmitter is synthesized and then stored in vesicles.
2) An action potential invades the presynaptic terminal.
3) Depolarization of presynaptic terminal causes opening of voltage
4) influx of ca2+ through channels
5) Ca2+ causes vesicles to fuse with presynaptic membrane
6) Transmitter is released into synaptic cleft via exocytosis ...
Neuroscience is a branch out of medical science, it further developed into neuroimaging and many advanced techniques .
However, there is another branch of science it is called brainwave neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback. It was born out of space research on cats in 1960, curiosity for high performance mind patterns in 1970 and strong desires of training for brain normalisation, learning and development.
Brainwave training and learning can activate our neurons in special ways. It is a phenomenon breakthrough solution to human brain development and I am very lucky to have opportunities to explore, to associate with this branch of new frontier science and art. ie: Neurofeedback (NF) or EEG Biofeedback.
In pursuing NF knowledge and skills, many people helped me in one way or another, for example one of lecturers; unknown hero @ extra learning program on brain study module 35years ago, my friend haksoon and many Singapore and USA friends.
Healthy neurons, 'happy' neurons and nuronal homeostasis make a fully functional brain.
Simon Kong
www.eegasia.com.sg email: simon(at)eegaisa.com.sg
EEG Biofeedback Brain Trainer and Mind Coach,Since 2004
EEG Asia Brain Learning Centre
Stress Reduction, Sport, Music and Study Excellence

Trust our bodies have natural healing power, develop and maintain our bodies well being. Try it out before we placed trust for other people to help us.
1) Transmitter is synthesized and then stored in vesicles.
2) An action potential invades the presynaptic terminal.
3) Depolarization of presynaptic terminal causes opening of voltage
4) influx of ca2+ through channels
5) Ca2+ causes vesicles to fuse with presynaptic membrane
6) Transmitter is released into synaptic cleft via exocytosis ...
Neuroscience is a branch out of medical science, it further developed into neuroimaging and many advanced techniques .
However, there is another branch of science it is called brainwave neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback. It was born out of space research on cats in 1960, curiosity for high performance mind patterns in 1970 and strong desires of training for brain normalisation, learning and development.
Brainwave training and learning can activate our neurons in special ways. It is a phenomenon breakthrough solution to human brain development and I am very lucky to have opportunities to explore, to associate with this branch of new frontier science and art. ie: Neurofeedback (NF) or EEG Biofeedback.
In pursuing NF knowledge and skills, many people helped me in one way or another, for example one of lecturers; unknown hero @ extra learning program on brain study module 35years ago, my friend haksoon and many Singapore and USA friends.
Healthy neurons, 'happy' neurons and nuronal homeostasis make a fully functional brain.
Simon Kong
www.eegasia.com.sg email: simon(at)eegaisa.com.sg
EEG Biofeedback Brain Trainer and Mind Coach,Since 2004
EEG Asia Brain Learning Centre
Stress Reduction, Sport, Music and Study Excellence

Trust our bodies have natural healing power, develop and maintain our bodies well being. Try it out before we placed trust for other people to help us.