147. Walk the run

Walk the walk, talk the talk , run the run, Now walk the run.
Tomorrow is my mini-marathon run. I aim to be in top 5% of the race out of 16000 participants. I aim for a run record time of 1 hour for a 10km race.
My body, brain and mind are ready for this event. Now, Walk the run.
Finally my race result is out
Time : 1:01:07 ,Dec 4 2011 SC Marathon, 10km
Point, Time, Time of Day, Pace,
START 00:00:00 7:15:04 am --4K 00:24:54 7:39:58 am 06:14
FINISH 01:01:07 8:16:10 am 06:03 Avg. Pace 06:07

Life is a process. Know our limits.
Know what we can do and know what we cannot do."
- Simon Kong
How do we know how to define our limits?
Before answering How, we need to address Why and How all together.
With W_SWOT analysis; ask questions as Why (W) we are doing it and also doing asking SWOT (How) analysis for an event.
After many rounds of asking Why and How. For examples, listen to our body ,listen to our feeling, listen to our mind, and listen to our divine.
Human being are not made of steel. We must learn how to say "NO" and know when to "Stop". We have to experience it and exercise our wisdom.
Again asking a final question:"How greedy are we?". If we are asking for more rewards without putting in more efforts than I would say we may hit our limits.
Runners' Category
Let's look at my definition of runners' category
< 35min : Champion Runner
35min to 45min : Professional Runner
45min to 55min : Excellent Runner
55min to 65min : Very Good Runner
65min to 75min : Good Runner
>75min : New Runners who have high potential for improvement
For 10km runner, multiply a factor of one
For half marathon runner, multiply a factor of two
For full marathon runner, multiply a factor of four
for example for a 21-km run, a good runner would take 130min to 150min to complete the race.
Be aware that "Boundary Runners" are proned to body injury. Boundary runners are those who cross the boundary time barrier of 35 min, 45 min, 55 min and 65 min of each runner category.
Limit our running speed variation, for example; a runner finishing speed should not be 50% more than the starting speed, too fast the ending speed may cause injury especially to male runners. We may benchmark marathon champions in terms of running speed consistency. If you notice the campions running speeds, there are very consistent from the beginning to the end. -- It is almost in a straight line pattern.
Planning ahead for a run next year: A half marathon run
I have achieved my targets over the passed years. Now,a half marathon is a challenge for my brain, body and mind starting next year and I will go for it. By doing it and experience this event i will know my limits. It would be my 10th marathon event, but this is my very first 21km run. I set no expectation. Cheers