154. Up Up Up, Down Down Down of Civilisation

A personal life or a financial world is in a kind of cyclical nature. It can be spiral upward or spiral downward, stagnation and setback are short and temporarily.

Reflection on my Mount Kilimanjaro trekking trip.

I spent most of my first half of June on mountain climbing. Climbing an icy cold mountain with thin air is not an easy task for me and for my family members because we live in a tropical country a whole life and we have two weathers: summer and raining season. Despite our age disadvantage, We made it to the second highest point, our limits; Stella Point of Mount Kilimanjaro at 5745m on two feet, without assistance of ams pill (acetazolamide), diamox or viagra. We experienced no headaches, it was simply amazing.

Thank you Mt. Kilimanjaro for given us permission to climb,credit must also go to our kind hearted helpers and all professional guides, especially the descending part. As my wife put it in this way: "climbing this mountain is not for everyone", especially to the peaks. Indeed,it requires one to have strong body, strong mind, strong heart, strong lung and even strong brain. Because at the summit, body oxygen intake can be 40% lesser and our heartbeats can easily accelerated to 130bpm or more. Even at the last day in the mountain which is half the altitude of the peak, our team members average oxygen index was 94.5% and average heartrate @101 bpm. Check your health condition before any mountain adventure. For an average person, for every 100m ascending after 3000m (or 12000 ft), oxygen index drops by a point and heartbeat raises a point.

Up Up Up against gravity pull is hard, but down down down is more dangerous than scaling a mountain. Life is in split seconds in deciding whether life or death. A slid on ice-capped slippery slope or off balanced on rough rocks could be fatal fall, at least for a few occasions.

Down the summit, When we re-enter to civilised world. Down, Down , Down in financial and investment world is equally bad. There was a saying, Sell ,sell sell in May and go away. There are some logic in it. When every body sell, the market hits bottom, then at about 1st June, it turned around, it rebound and the story continue from there.

In June, I was not keep in touch with any form of civilisation in a high mountain let alone the financial world and email. It seems Government spending and the activity of credit rating agencies, and timing of grading annoucement were not well regulated as compared to USA tables of key ratio indicators. However, we should bear in mind that rating agencies roles are messengers, they are not charity organisations, their main objective is business. With that in mind you would have a better perspective when it comes to investment. Again investment is a full time job, not everyone has a strong mind and a strong heart to sail through that choppy water and remain stronger after the event.

In this world of uncontrolled growth, uncontrolled Government spending and uncontrolled big business entities monopoly, slow down may be a good solution for our world development. While some people making money, other people loss money; some people have good prospect in life, other people struggling to make ends meet. Facts which we cannot ignore are: Pollution in developed and developing countries, the world is getting hotter, you would imagine a picture of me posed on top of mount Kilimanjaro with one hand carried an umbrella. Mount Kilimanjaro is melting away. Too much of uv light and infrared light in the air and too little ozone as cushion layer to protect our environment. Economic Growth has become meaningless and has damaged human life and the environment.

Slow down means controlled and sustained growth for individual as well as for a whole world. It is a good strategy for all. Think about it and do it from now. In swahili language, pole, pole means slow down.

Pole! Pole! "In Africa, there is NO HURRY" - Eric , A Mountain Guide.

Slow down is a solution for the world and the earth. I wish Africa has a more sustained growth model with a better environmental regulatory framework, a show case for the world both for USA, China or India...

This world remains as trouble world because politicians have only thinking of their party interests, business people thinking of profits, countries want to show off. The net effect is environment deterioration as what I saw at the top of Mt. Kilimanaro. Sea water level raises for one foot over next 100 years is a fact. If one is smart, stay away from seaside resort or bungalow.

Do we want to be blamed by our great grandchildren in 2100 that we did not do enough to avoid the pitfall of consumerism on weather change, air & water pollution and nucleus leaks?

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