170. A whole new millennium begins in 2013

Maya calender is going to end next week. I foresee nothing would happen at that date. Maya cilvilsation declined at a peak of imperialism and capitalism.

Let's examine what human race did well for last few millenniums.

1) Discovery of antibiotic. The biggest enemy for mankind is not meteorite (of course it will come one day), it is not war and violent, it is not ignorance, but it is virus attack.

2) The discovery of Science for better chance of predicting natural disasters.

3) The moral principles of religions.

4) The ability of understanding the nature of sleep.

5) Recycling contaminated water.

Here are some trouble spots human race did not do well.

1) Capitalism promotes uncontrolled wastes, pollution, and it created many people with angry mind.

2) Communism makes many people with lazy mind.

3) Healthcare systems do not satisfy mankind development. People need to develop a mentality of self-help group.

Year 2013 will be the beginning of breakthrough and advancing for mankind on many fronts.

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