172. Mosquito

Mosquito would not stop sucking blood even it has stomach full of nutrients.

Sometimes Human Being behaviour is like mosquito. ie. Greedy.

Let's look at ways to avoid or eliminate mosquito:

Ultrasonic sound, Chemical fogging (not effective), Smoking, Insect repellant, Eliminating mosquito breeding ground, Use mosquito nets, Eliminate water either indoor or outdoor locations, believe that mosquito can fly over a long distance from vacant land to highly populated area, Believe that mosquito can breed anywhere except on volcanic grounds.

Alexander the Great died of malaria at a young age, it changed the course of the world history.

Here is my ways to elimate mosquito:

1) Do not use your palms to hit it, you would never get it because the response time of mosquito is three times faster than the faster man on earth. So use a palm hits the mosquito on the floor, make it losses its flying ability or use a blanket to hit it to the floor, from there quickly step it. You may need to practise it...

2) Our eyes radiate infrared light that would chase away the mosquito. Close your eyes wait for mosquito to come, wait with eyes closed, then open your eyes, apply method above to catch it.

3) While mosquito biting you, tensed up your body muscle, then slowly hit the mosquito. This is a poor method but it is an effective one.

4) Eliminate water (clean or dirty) source especially two days after the rain such as Construction sites and vacant lands

Eliminate our greed is just like eliminating mosquito. It requires strategy, but this strategy must first start with the awareness of greedy nature.

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