178. Put Our Limited Resources Into Good Use

Our world is heading for a wrong direction because many governments have identified a wrong enemy for themselves: They find each others as enemies. They reinforced, expanded defense activities, increased or maintain defense budgets as crazy as before.
Imagine we put these monies into good use to fight our common enemies.
In fact our real enemies are weather fluctuation, pollution, radiation leaks and new viruses.
With a weak immune system which are compounded by pollution, electro-magnetic radiation, food chains distortion and that make viruses easily claim their victims. This attack is real as compared to our imaginary enemies between countries.
May world Governments put the best people, the best talents in weather engineering, immune science, preventive medicine, brain circuit booster program etc.
Weapon Makers should be encouraged to go into new areas of opportunities instead of increase arsenal, find ways of fighting each others as POTENTIAL enemies.
See the jungle clearly, not just seeing a tree
It is a time we form a world Government
By changing mindset, can weTRUSTING EACH OTHER MORE so that we can put our different aside, instead putting limited resouces into tackling weather problems, epidemic, pollution, CONCURRENT global warming and cooling issues
Do you want to live in a place like a desert or flooded like a river?
Do you want to breathe in fine particles in micron size which you can not see?
Do you want to drink water which may be contaminated?