179. Neurofeedback

Fourty years ago way back in 1970 we had raw EEG brainwave training for animals. Since year 2000 this type of training which is based on the merger of neuroscience and computer interactive technology has come a long way to be a new kid next block.

My first learned brain studies was in 1978 as a hobby subject. Since 10 years ago braiwave training has become my new found profession.

Here I recommend you to read a book written by Othmers. It launched last year. From here you are able to appreciate how the founders of Othmers methods who developed their machine and software to a very accurate dimension and their EEG Biofeedback journeys were full of real life experience and insights. I have been following Othmers since 2004 and I have a very enriching experience.


In brainwave training adventure, I need to specially mention Anna wise who championed brainwave high performance mind training. From 2004 to 2006 I was fortunate to pull her wheel chair and picked up some useful tips from her. She envisioned that the awakening mind for the world has just begun because out of many brainwave patterns we have, we can initiate an awakened mind state for daily living; through practice, it can be anybody state of mind on this planet. Therefore we transform the world.

Below is a list of awakened mind practitioner trained by Anna Wise before 2010.


Dr Hershel Toomim pioneer of near infrared EEG also taught me about the effect of oxygen on frontal lobe brain. I believe he had a vision which many people still new to comprehend.

Todate Neurofeedback and hyperbaric healing are in frontier of branwave development for the mankind. In time to come it would be a huge shortage of these professionals because it takes time to train an art-science hybrid practitioner.

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