181. Meditation

This subject is not new. I learned meditation at a very beginner level. I learnt from a nun who has very clear mind of teaching meditation. Thank You.

The purpose of writing this article is to sound a word of caution to people who may have deep trauma, major setbacks in life, high ego, attachments or deep emotional issues. Meditation should not be their first choice of solving their problems because more troubles may surface than the benefits which claimed by experience meditation practitioners.

There are many sources claiming the benefits of meditation, here I want to say is that I read research articles which mention side effects of meditation especially for the group I mentioned above. Please do your diligent check.

In my opinion the purpose of meditation is to learn how to letting go the body, the mind, suppressed and repressed emotion and even attachments.

I heard that people mention attainment of higher levels of meditation and i would caution them of doing it as to prevent side effects. or I wish you have someone can guide you personally or alternatively making use of technology.

I have explored a few types of technology to aid meditation and the benefits are comparable to many types of traditional meditations. Therefore know your weaknesses and your strengths before decide venturing into meditation.

I appeal to you that meditation is not for everybody.

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