185. Bipolar World

When people think this way: I am right you are wrong. I am right you are wrong. I am right you are wrong.

Once it is repeated a few times, the above has become a "truth". Your friend supports you, your friend's friend supports you. You feel very great.

So your faith about yourself grows and swells. Your Ego is very high.

We have religion A,B,C ---- Z. The oldest one backdated 6000 years old, the newest may be a few years old.

When a person religion mood becomes aggressive, we are ended up a bipolar world.... Full of conflicts over religions.

In dinosaurs time (about 200 million years ago) we did not have religions.

The human cortex activity leads to thinking. Intention is spirituality. Finding a meaning in life is an aspect of spirituality. Wisdom is a result of spirituality being manifested after work well done and enriching experience. In a broader sense Religion may be a form of spirituality as well.

Certain Meditation can improve cortex function which in turns increase wisdom and spirituality. But when practising it wrongly it may lead to hallucination and creating fallacy. So successful meditation must go with good job done with good intentions.

Insects do not have cortex part of brain therefore they have no thinking faculty function. We human being have cortex and that become our strength and weakness at the same time. So use it wisely.

Wisdom of Tolerance is a learnt process. To begin with, learn how to recognise that you are not always right or the only best. Remember Your faith is the best for you alone but not always is the best for others because we have different background and up bringing.

When a person religions' practice has become aggressived, they turn into forceful political wills. When political wills become too aggressive and violent, they turn into conflicts. When conflicts become too intensed, they turn into wars.

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