188. Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

I went to pay the last respects to Mr Lee Kuan Yew a second time this week, in a nearby community place which put up by grass root leaders, voulunteers and Government organisation.

Many people queued up to pay the last respects to Mr lee, many wrote farewell notes to Mr Lee and pinned them on the notice boards.

While examining closely I saw many notes were written in English. This showed that his vision was correct as using English as working language.

Mr Lee had a gift of gap in languages. However he had not learned Chinese at a very young age and that took him a whole life to learn and struggle with Chinese language. With my own encountered, I had a similar experience in London while as a student working in St, Thomas hospital as part time cleaner. Two British teenager boys (part timer cleaners) with cockney accent laughed at my English diction when I spoke English with them. In fact I learned and struggled with English in my whole life even when I dream or self talk, I could normally use Cantonese, Mandrain and that carried through even in adult stage in those days. So I know how difficult it was when we picked up a new language learning at a later year.

Mr. Lee and his colleagues promoted mother tongues in late 70, and adopted simplified Chinese characters in early 1970 when i was a student. He also stressed on Chinese learn Chinese, Indians learn Tamil or Hindi, Malay learn Malay language etc I believe Mr. Lee would enjoy reading my Chinese writing below to continue his journey into his next life although he proclaimed as a free thinker... so I wrote this note in Chinese, pasted it on the public notice board paying tribute to his farewell:


能幹, 勇氣, 有遠見.



with translation something like this :

To Mr Lee:

Capability, Courage and Visionary.

A good voyage.


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