192. Marathon Run

I used to call people who embark on full 42.195km race as a running machine. How could we imagine these people run such as a long journey with good speeds.

Out of these "running machines" we could see the different quality in these runners;

1. Elite Runners

2. Qualified Marathon Runners

3. Fast Runners

4. Season Runners

5. Good Runners

6. Novice Runners

7. Fun Runners

Leg injury is real for these runners, extra care of legs protection has become very important before and during the course of preparation.

1. Yoga stretching

2. Lajin exercise

3. Bending exercise to improve knee strength

4. Muscle relaxant

5. Awakened State

6. Foods and Nutrients intake

7. Energy drink and water intake

Therefore people who made it to the final race of marathon have been putting in a lot of efforts. Some people put in less efforts in preparation because their bodies are inclined for long distant run, some are prone to injuries. The race organiser is very good at separate elite/marathon runners with normal runners, that will facilitate flow and reduce congestion during the race. Fun runners staying behind would not affect the overall pace of the race.

This year I will join the rank of Running Machine on Dec4. Please don't laugh at me as a new running machine. Wish me Good Luck. My flag off time is 5.20am and expect to reach finishing line before noon.

The benefit of running: start from 3km, 5km, 10km, 21km then 42.195km would help to build legs muscle strength, better cardiac strength. An overall better bodily balancing skills.

Try it out at your pace and make it a life long body's healing process.

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