194. Climate Change

Whether we call it Hurricane in Atlantic Ocean or Typhoon in Pacific Ocean, when they happen concurrently, the main cause is the same: Global warming. But some mad guys didn't recognize it.

Hurricane Hit Carolinas in 2018, Sept.

Pollutants generated due to Human Acitivites

Once a bacteria population grows to a critical size, the toxic wastes produced from within can kill the bacteria population. SIMILARLY, human population grows as an exponential rate, 7.4 Billions head count now. The waste produced from our human and economical activities eventually would limit the growth of human species.

Both centralised communist system and two strong voices democratic election system, their champion for growth at all costs for individual country; even at the expand of our friendly environment. ie unlimited disposal wastes of human activities, wasteful foods wastes, uncontrollable packaging wastes and all forms of pollutants.

Climate change is unavoidable. Once the oceanic temperature stay well above 26 degree C then strong air turbulence such as typhoon or hurricane will visit the coastal countries very often, at least six months in a year.

Why there are so many hurricane in USA and typhoon in pacific ocean? My view is here:

I think high CO2 level generated due to increased human activities and burning of solid/liquid wastes which trapped solar heat as greenhouse effect. The trapped energy being released when it cooled down, CO2 also trapped infrared heat from sun and released it at night, heating up ocean water way above say 26C; as a result more strong air turbulent near Pacific Ocean.

At the same time Atlantic Ocean's temperature nowadays becomes warmer then before as not many icebergs around to cool it down. These combined effects raise the world ocean temperature very high and keep staying there because Pacific Ocean water has not been receiving enough cold water (blue water way) from Atlantic Ocean, the momentum flow of temperature conveyor has stopped.)

Once the ocean conveyor belt tidal flow has stooped, normal rain water would easily travel to land and intense rain falling all over the land areas, even in desert area.

Ocean water which dissolves green house gases like CO2, NO2; they turn into acidic water, this water endangers marine life.

The earth surface and ocean floor which covered with all kinds of wastes will make economic corps production challenging. coupling with high pollution, less foods production and drastic weather change; the world may be unsuitable for our next generations to live in anymore.

Awareness is from within individual human being. Do not expect some big and small business communities, some greedy Governments worldwide to help us.

The earlier this awareness of climate change begins the high survival rate of human species.

We would see more food shortage worldwide, warmest ambient temperature (I experienced 47C at New Dehli in 2014), long and coldest winters, more strong and persistent rainfall, more powerful typhoons and hurricanes beginning in April each year, more new viruses and bacteria which attack our already wakened immune systems, less habitat lands for living, poorer air quality and more diseases as a result of global warming and uncontrollable consumerism, wastes generation.

Solution to Climate Change. What we can do?

Reduce, Reduce, Reduce

Reuse, Reuse, Reuse

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

Refusal, Refusal, Refusal of accepting wastes, ie food wastes

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