196. Music Learning

Now play video two (Guzheng)and video three (piano) together (East and West merge). Tell me how you feel? Try to close your eyes focus.

Music is body, mind and emotion connection.

Once a person can master music learning then learning other subjects seem easy tasks as a right brain is well developed in the process of learning. - Simon Kong

Music learning is a gift and this notion has put off a lot of people who want to learn a musical instrument.

There are two parts of music learning: emotional creative aspect and the discipline aspect.

Music learning from young is easy as children mind are still very creative. After the young age what keep pace of learning is interest of music. At older age what keep music learning is by discipline as Chinese saying:hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence (勤能补拙 Qin neng bu zhuo).

Composing music is a typical emotion & creative aspect of learning, we may call it a common sense approach, this approach engages multiple sensory synesthesia inputs.

Music learning is about learning "Flow", "Creativity" and that gives us have more common sense, better emotional quotient and appreciation of life more.

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