197. Wisdom and Spirituality

Meditation without a guidance by wisdom and spirituality is like a rifle with no bullets in it. -- Simon Kong

Meditation can being one to calmness, peace and tranquility. One pointed meditation can bring one closes to spiriituality. The pre-requisite for practising meditation is wisdom. Without wisdom, it will get nowhere.

Develop a good character first before a venture into meditation. That will make your meditation journey enjoyable.

Mother Teresa was a person after gaining spirituality and wisdom then with a strong faith in her religion, she contributed greatly to the world and mankind during those difficult years.

This world has more then one religions. People who have religions believe that the maker is outside the human body.

Other research scientists suggest that the spirituality is inside the brain. see reference:


A person who has spirituality and wisdom is not necessary that he/she must have a religion.

A person who has a religion is not necessary that he/she had wisdom and spirituality.

Religion comes from a belief system. Wisdom comes from Life Experience, Exposure, Upbringing and Proper guidance. With spirituality coupling with self realisation & self reflection, wisdom is formed.

People with full wisdom would become spiritual gurus, religion leaders and well known philosophers.


When Spirituality and wisdom are anchored, they can bring out the best in us, for example :

Find a meaning in life

Good View

Good Intention

Good Thought

Good Compassion

Good Strategy

Long term and Learned Memory


Good Motivation

Set Priority in Life

Know Begin with the end in mind

Selfishness caused anxiety. People who is worry a lot, the feeling is being trapped in a body memory, so selfish people really can't achieve right types of awakened brainwave patterns, let alone having spirituality and wisdom. Selfish people have hard time to achieve self realisation process, no matter how hard they try or even with long meditation hours, they will achieve very little instead.

To begin with, live in a clear and open mind state, jump out of the box. The epitome of putting wisdom and spirituality in action were mother Teresa and Theresa Hsu Chih; a social worker. Let's learn from them..

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