
Showing posts from January, 2017

207. Singlish

Singlish is born out of necessity of communication in a muti-racial society like Singapore. Singlish consists of a mixutre of proper use of different languages and dialects but with no emphasis on grammar rules. In other words, Singlish is an effective tool of combined national languages and local dialects used for communication especially in a dialogue situation. As we know, when we talk among the same race, we chose the same language for conversation. However it is an unspoken rule that when we talk to other races in a social setting, we should use English or sometime Singlish. Some new immigrants; they use hammers for everything. They did not integrate well into our society, they still talk to others regardless of races using their own mother tongue. This is a failure in integration process. You notice that the words used in Singlish are proper words as being used in Malay, Chinese or English etc. For example: "Yesterday I visited JB kana Jam. 大年初一本不应该发生" . Which me...

206. The origin of independent great mind, Chairman Mao.

In China, Chairman Mao was a hero of his people from 1922 to 1949. Ever since 1949 to 1976 that his noble contribution to the nation was muted by the complication of his possessive mind of rigid communism. The ineffectiveness in executing his vision might be due to his over graving for power, status, insecurity and lacking the full knowledge of economy, instead at that time China was too poor to do anything constructive to a nation building. His time was no right. However together with Premier Deng Xiaoping , they found a solution for China new development after 1978 which in few thousand years of China history, no any wise men ever found the solutions, a socialist China style of political system which is unique to China only.From there onward they didn't sell their ideology to the world. During the civil and Japanese war of first half of 20th century (1901-1949) in China, If Mao didn't control China but instead Chiang Kay Sek and his general Chang, then the China we know now...

205. Ageing and delayed ageing

We can easily see the similarity of the above picture. If we examine carefully we could detect the differences; a child's legs moving very fast whereas an old man legs hardly move an inch. A child's body is soft and flexible, an old person body is stiff and rigid especially the joints. When a child is born and it was young, yang qi keeps growing say at 15 years until say 75 years then yang qi will stop growing. So from a not fully grow child state to a fully grown old man state, in my opinion the effective useful healthy life span of human is 75 years although statistics shows human can live until 120 years old with good health, they are minority. Getting old is a phenomenon where yang qi (energy flow) in a body keeps diminishing. When yang qi deficiency begins with the legs, the first sign of weakness is a person can't walk properly. We could easily recall our experience as a child learning to walk, an old person learning to fall. ...

204. What a creative person would need to do?

Continue Education is a basic, Creativity is a key, Courage with Intuition is a drive. Authors Cott B. Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire in their book mentioned ten things a creative person would do. they are Imaginative play, Passion, Daydreaming, Solitude, Intuition , Openness to experience, Mindfulness, Sensitivity, Turning adversity into advantage and Thinking differently. let's discuss about Intuition. The authors above mentioned that the mind operates by two systems. System 1 includes creativity-boosting process such as an intuition, emotions, reduced latent inhibition, heuristics and implicit learning. Implicit learning is a critical process, or frequently a catalyst for moments of creative inspiration and insight. System 2 processes are more effortful and controlled. for examples; reflection, rationality, metaphorical and analogical thoughts, cause and effect reasoning, reality monitoring, metacognition and executive functioning. Recently the USA declassified material s...

203. Keep Exercise, Keep Running.

When I first joined one of my previous employers. In that place, for a first few years I was very active in sports and I was made a team captain for an annual running event. Years later, One day during my further study time; in a classroom, when I looked around my classmates, they were young, around 25 years old. I was 40. Upon return home, passing by a stadium where an annual sports meet was held. I saw a bright promotion flyer which stated: "Veteran race" , the minimum age was 40. Wow Getting excited!!! Let's go for it. Reality set in. I didn't realize that since after 35 years old I seldom exercise. So the race was for people who kept fit all the time. From 40 to 50 years, old habits set in, I didn't do much exercise as usual. Until one day I realized that when fell on a slippery floor, that fall was very hard, the fall woke up my daydream day. Things had changed when one day I took part in a 4km charity run at 51 of age. Now running has become my a...

202. Intention has its own mirror

Words can not express an intention fully because the intention is hidden in an action. The manifestation of intention is by action hence words spoken is very easy and very superficial, unless they are supported by concrete action. As my friend used to say it "I say, you say and they say and with no action" phenomenon is very common. It can be described in an old Chinese phrase 听其言而观其行 tīng qí yán ér guān qí xíng ,listen to what a person says and watch what he does. Why words have their limitation? My explanation is that, words usually containing high ego state, are articulated consciously; therefore they are not supported by subsconscious state or intention or action. That explains as why a normal heated argument usually run out of control and leading to a fight. Why we don't talk during sleep? when we sleep why intention uncovered? When we are in deep sleep normally we don't talk. Sleep talking is considered as an illness. sleep is in fact brings us b...