202. Intention has its own mirror

Words can not express an intention fully because the intention is hidden in an action.

The manifestation of intention is by action hence words spoken is very easy and very superficial, unless they are supported by concrete action. As my friend used to say it "I say, you say and they say and with no action" phenomenon is very common. It can be described in an old Chinese phrase 听其言而观其行 tīng qí yán ér guān qí xíng ,listen to what a person says and watch what he does.

Why words have their limitation?

My explanation is that, words usually containing high ego state, are articulated consciously; therefore they are not supported by subsconscious state or intention or action. That explains as why a normal heated argument usually run out of control and leading to a fight.

Why we don't talk during sleep? when we sleep why intention uncovered?

When we are in deep sleep normally we don't talk. Sleep talking is considered as an illness. sleep is in fact brings us back to a subconsious state where learning are consolidated, emotion are released, our intention can't be hidden during sleep.

A relevant article:


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