204. What a creative person would need to do?

Continue Education is a basic, Creativity is a key, Courage with Intuition is a drive.

Authors Cott B. Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire in their book mentioned ten things a creative person would do. they are Imaginative play, Passion, Daydreaming, Solitude, Intuition, Openness to experience, Mindfulness, Sensitivity, Turning adversity into advantage and Thinking differently. let's discuss about Intuition.

The authors above mentioned that the mind operates by two systems. System 1 includes creativity-boosting process such as an intuition, emotions, reduced latent inhibition, heuristics and implicit learning. Implicit learning is a critical process, or frequently a catalyst for moments of creative inspiration and insight. System 2 processes are more effortful and controlled. for examples; reflection, rationality, metaphorical and analogical thoughts, cause and effect reasoning, reality monitoring, metacognition and executive functioning.

Recently the USA declassified material showed that they were using creative people who possessed strong intuitive abilities got involved in special projects, namely controlled remote viewing, esp, ufo tracking and many more.

we could imagine that how Project Star Gate could have faced difficulty before it winded up years ago as a brain unconsciousness is not easy to attain, sustain by itself let alone being interfered by will power. In short, when it comes to a person intuition process, pay attention to your intuition and don’t overthink it, don't imagine it, don't capture others' feeling that does not add benefit to the exercise. Our understanding of brain especially the unspoken part of brain which can be activated by a sixth sense; a sense of knowing and intense feeling in an unreal world then slowly imagine it and thinking it later. Hopefully more knowledgeable person can write more books in these subject to open up the brain frontier.

As Albert Einstein said "When I examine myself and my methods of thought I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge."

In 1977 The Phi Delta Kappan magazine published an article by Bob Samples titled “Mind Cycles and Learning” which included this passage about Albert Einstein observation:

"Albert Einstein once spoke of intuition as a sacred gift and likened rationality to a faithful servant. Our basic purpose was to shift the tendency to worship the servant and ignore the sacred."

Dr. Carl Jung, a renounced psychologist who studied intuition and synchronicity more than half eighty years ago.

Dr. Jung had found a way to tap into the collective unconscious by way of the individual’s unconscious mind; Jung defined "the unconscious mind as the part of the human psychic apparatus that does not ordinarily enter the individual’s awareness. It is the part of the mind that is manifested especially by slips of the tongue, dissociated acts and in dreams. He then declared that the Collective Unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind’s evolution, born anew in the brain structure of every individual person. Carl Jung was said to be a brilliant man. He had access to knowledge about others who could not access it for themselves. He had discovered the wizard hiding behind the curtains."

Creative intuition is the ability we should develop, these abilities are synesthesia in nature, which means we can not just develop in one sense; it is a combination of all senses like visual, sense of knowing, tactile and feeling combined. The key is to activate them at one go.

Inspirational intuition is everybody asset when a practice of acquiring intuition has become easy. How easy to get the intuition is how well we can develop our mirror neurons capability, their flexibility and readiness to fire neurons within a good set of condition. This good set of condition is typically as calmness, relaxation, undetached, integral, courageous and confident state.

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