203. Keep Exercise, Keep Running.

When I first joined one of my previous employers. In that place, for a first few years I was very active in sports and I was made a team captain for an annual running event.

Years later, One day during my further study time; in a classroom, when I looked around my classmates, they were young, around 25 years old. I was 40.

Upon return home, passing by a stadium where an annual sports meet was held. I saw a bright promotion flyer which stated: "Veteran race" , the minimum age was 40. Wow Getting excited!!! Let's go for it.

Reality set in. I didn't realize that since after 35 years old I seldom exercise. So the race was for people who kept fit all the time. From 40 to 50 years, old habits set in, I didn't do much exercise as usual. Until one day I realized that when fell on a slippery floor, that fall was very hard, the fall woke up my daydream day.

Things had changed when one day I took part in a 4km charity run at 51 of age. Now running has become my annual race event. Every time I took part in running events, fellow runners were feeling good because they saw such a slow runner next to them because they could easily overtake me.

My progression into full marathon runner has been a long journey. At first I called full marathoners as running machines. Now I am in it and I still call them running machines.

A machine needs oil to function properly. The oil for a full marathoner is referring as four conditions for a marathoner: I called it MPHT : Money, Passion, Health and Time.

Money: Without money we can't even start to run, especially people who travel around the globe to run like Golria Lau, my relatives etc.

Health: Without clearance of major health indicators, running full marathon is rather difficult. There are people using running full marathon to reduce weighs which I think they should consider reducing weigh first before signed up the full race. Train the body first before the full race , it should be in that order as to prevent unnecessary injury.

Time: Without training and plenty hours spent on training, one may not have a luck to complete the full race.

Passion: Back to passion. Having said that we need to have healthy body to run the full race. But we must start somewhere. Therefore passion is the key element to start with 10km, 21km then 42km. Without passion, we would give 1001 reasons not to try it at all, once a life time in running a full marathon. ( while we can)

How to use the above two videos:

click on this music while watching the running above,look at a horizon, prefer view on a bigger monitor screen. Enjoy the relaxation journey. Enjoy the healing effect.

Or, alternatively turns on both videos, closed your eyes momentarily. Imagine that you are actually running and that would boost your running performance, next time when you have an actual run. Enjoy.

Even a retired Sumo wrestler also exercise.


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