211. China Growth: A Mega Trend of China Model

China started grow since 1911 after the collapse of family based Qing Dynasty. However Warlords were fighting among each others. Japan knew it was China weakest time and started to penetrate china society through spies and business networks.

The Japanese Invasion of China from 1931 to 1945, total life loss of 35 millions.

The China Communist, the first resistance of Japanese force.

Japanese soldiers' madness, Massacre 300,000 in Nanjing city, 1937.

So the China military built up after 1945 has it historical reasons, the world should take it as a lesson. China saved the world war two by holding back millions of Japanese soldiers in mainland China so the Japanese military loss time to capture the world. China loss millions of millions of life to exchange for peace.

Modernization of China since 1978 has been an ongoing process, is is not just a mere coincident event; it is an opportunity for an ancient giant wake up, rejuvenate herself. The impact of modernization and growth of China on the world economy is great. China will lead the world economy for next 300 years.

China continues growth is not a new phenomenon. I think even our founding PM Lee KY had made wrong guessing on China Growth wrongly back in 2000. It would continue to progress until its potentials are fully realized (GDP growth, Technology innovation).

In 2008 China Model saved the world financial melt down which led by USA.

In 2013 Xi Jinping developed a concept of one belt One road when he visited Kazakhstan as to promote future world economy growth.

So Japan and USA treated New China as opponent or "enemy" will backfire their own economy because the mentality of USA national interests first or Japan revitalize military presence and seeking perfection and military expansion mindset like world warII time, it would again threaten and destroy the world peace order again if Japan re-militarized.

In future, once Japan re-militarization started and successful then there are no one could stop it aggressiveness even its citizens cant stop it because Japanese Government can influence the emperor opinion. (note that through history, Japan citizens were not able to stop military rule, instead they joined in support the aggression because Japanese many generations were not properly informed of Japan in their actual history on their involvement of sinful wars in China and Russia and the whole Asia. In Singapore, Japanese soldiers killed 50000 males during first month of occupation; one of my father matched mate girl and her mother were raped and killed from bottom to chest in front of their family members). If a war breakout again between China and Japan & America, that would make Japan temporarily replacing USA in military might however Japan would finally pay for a heavy price of failure because this is not an old China. If war again China will not forgive Japan. What Japan needs beside being courteous, Japan should learn from Germany of being open minded, inclusiveness and self reflection. Whatever reason if Japan re-militarized, then Japan will meet her own self fulfilling prophecy of end of a nation. Japan has not learned a lesson from World War II yet but Germany did.

China Liberation Army 90th year anniversary in 2017

In future, China social-economic model of growth will be in leap and bounce, to fullfil its 2035 and 2050 visions.

Let me summarize the pattern of China Growth in perspective in ryhmes:

A Mega Trend of China Growth Model

A sleepy giant slept for a thousand years,

Wake-up, stay alive and charge forward in next hundreds years,

Modelling Hang and Song Dynasties past successes,

One belt one road one space roar ahead,

Slavery and Dynasty are gone of the days,

Rejuvenate herself by science and technology,

If anyone is not convinced of her achievement,

Then one may need to eat own humble pie.

-- Simon Kong

中国发展的新方向( in Chinese Translation)










Our intention to treat China Growth is very important, a wrong mindset will first disadvantage our own benefits. This is just an idea for seeing the development of China which Japan and USA would have to accept it.

The phenomenon of china growth will last for a long time to go; in my opinion, it lasts at least for 300 hundreds years. This growth model is different from Japan Meiji time which was based on military expansion with priority of conquer other countries, it is different from America growth of freedom fighter, two-party self interest model. This China growth is not a typical old and outdated Russian model, it has evolved into a combined model all best models in the world. The world should not worry the peaceful rise of China. The world should endorse it as China brings more peace and prosperity to the world especially to Africa countries over last 50 years.

China assist Africa over last 50 years. Looking East @12' onward, economic globalization model

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