214. EEG Asia Brainwave Training for a better brain.

My EEG Asia website here, it is a simplified version and are located here in blog No. 214 and 191 far below blog. The concept of brain knowledge is in blog No.227

In EEG Asia, We help a brain learns loss functions or regain its homeostasis function.

Neurofeedback was invented out of space research of rats in 1970, it combined neuroscience with a computer feedback technology, it is a new creation of mankind.


Brains need time to heal by Neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback enhances a brain autonomic response.


Duration of Neurofeedback training : 50 sessions to 100 sessions which spread over one to two years training span, do it once a week or twice a week training.


Brain training improves a person multiple intelligence like spatial,kinesthetic awareness, bodily awareness , music and environmental awareness, language and logic, maths skills, inter and intra personal skills. I believe specifically it impacts on a person physical body well being, sleep, pain management, emotional & behavioral awareness, attention and planning skills, Reading and sensory integration

Some people argued that Neurofeedback is a kind of placebo effect, a feel good factor only. I remembered that one article published recently in APA journal in which I had been a member before 2016. They classified the effect of neurofeedback is similar to placebo effect. I think this is a personal view but it not representing others' view or APA journal. Some medical professionals also have negative view on neurofeedback but I see more medical professionals endorsed it one way or another.


In my opinion, after spending 15 years working in neurofeedback; I offer another perspective about neurofeedback training. My question would be:

1) If NF training is just palcebo then it should not have positive healing or generally mild negative effects as reported by clients; it should have like a normal computer games, it doesn't affect clients' body state by playing the games right?

2) If NF is just placebo effect then as why Othmers' family and associates spent all their lives pursuing this meaningless placebo effect kind of training?

3) If someone can explain the true mechanism of neurofeedback then this person is a likely a potential nobel prize winner.

Neurofeedback applied on cats' seizure experiment in 1970 space project with good results, now human brains benefited from this frontier brain science and research. Thank You Dr. Barry Sterman at UCLA

A client using a brain intention to activate, to move and to brighten the northern light on a computer screen above.( a part of Neurofeedback setup.


For causes of illnesses, Western medicines focus on environmental factors like virus, bacteria and body immune system , I called them three terrors. Whereas Chinese medicine counterpart focus on how body respond to environmental humidity, wind and temperature variation and I called them six evils. Medicals are generally treatment based science. In contrast, Neurofeedback is a brain exercise based technology out of space & cat experiment. Therefore we generally don't compare medical evidence based protocols.

Below a brief summary is for EEG Asia commercial in replacing my official website EEG Asia:


I have stopped publishing my web page EEGAsia.com.sg in 2017. Here is a brief introduction of EEG Asia.

A)EEG Asia was established in 2004. The web page was created in 2008 out of the author wanted to know what caused depression? why people can study so well without really putting a lot of effort in it? attention issues? Is mind performance state can be trained ? etc

B) EEG Asia provides three categories of services:

1) NeuroFeedback (NF) is a computer tool which uses latest model of brain training. NeuroFeedback promotes a better brain self-regulation. Simon learning EEG brain training from Sue Othmer, Sigfried and team since 2004, travel to USA regularly to learn the art of brain training. He particularly interested in sleep cycles, sleep problems, jet lag, migraines, motion & mountain sickness, learning disability, and lately he is keen to know as how to solve over weight issues, skin sensitivity etc. NF would become very powerful tools for promoting public health and peak performance because NF combined neuroscience, computer technology, counselling & healing protocols into a unique technology for brain development.

Connect sensors to a brain, using a mind intention to move video games above via brain training


2) Awakened Mind and mind mirror was invented by a British, C. Maxwell Cade & Neil Hancock and my mentor Anna Wise succeeded the mind teaching from them. Simon Is Asia the only survived mind trainer whom certified by Anna from CA,USA in 2006. Anna passed away in 2009. Mind training is a very unique way of reading brainwave patterns scientifically then a trainer would gather what he saw from the mind mirror and then relate back to the client on mind states. Through awakened mind training ;through practice, a person can activate his peak performance state at will. Now Simon train clients on Mind mirror for those who completed NeuroFeedback sessions, offer them mind training free before they left the brain training sessions say after one of two years period of brain training.

Peak Performance Mind or An Awakened Mind State waveform @ will above


3) The listening program is a classic listening music program/protocol invented by Alex Doman. Simon was trained by him in 2013 at LA and Tracey from Australia in 2005. A typical TLP consists of Air conduction and Bone conduction features which help particularly children who have sensory and learning difficulties.


C) I need to mention a pioneer Dr. Hershel Toomim from LA, I visited and learned from him about Infrared HEG brain training. A brain needs energy to perform, a brain which uses less oxygen is a better functional brain. Hershel was one of pioneers in developing USA remote control devices in 1970, now this technology is commonly known as drone.

Our emotion, physical, mental, spirit experience may be the result of brainwave vibrations that cause the experience inside the brain and the body. Scientist will slowly discover these facts soon.

For more information, If you want brain training for a better brain self-regulation, please email Simon Kong at


Neurofeedback will be on par with many established professionals, so it is a matter of time when common folks start seeking help from practitioners in Neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback combined neuroscience with a computer feedback technology, is a new creation of mankind.

Simon Kong is a regular member of Association for Applied Psychophysiology

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