215. Binaural Beat Frequency in Music

Music is for healing, chanting or ritual is for healing.

Ritual, chanting and prayers calm the mind.

Remembered at Mount Tienshan, we encountered snow storm, although we had no religions, however chanting and prayers helped a lot. Tibetian, Bhagavad Gita and Catholics have many beneficial chanting scripts.

Music is the best form of healing device.

One of my previous awakened mind mentor Anna who used to write Binarul Beat Frequency music in her awakening program during our certified training in CA. The principle of writing it is quite simple; for example if you want to produce 14Hz sound effect frequency music, what you need to do is to select two inputs of separate pure tones music with higher frequency; the net result of your ears would listen to just one output music frequency, that is 14Hz. For example listening 514Hz vibration from Left ear input, 500 Hz listening from right ear input then the brain perceive ounput as 14Hz, or you may just listen to the music from the source, it is not necessary we must use a specified ear to listen to different frequencies input.

Even in churches history, like Gregorian chant; it has binaral beat frequency effect. Catholics knew it thousand years ago.

By listening properly to BBF music, one may trigger awakened state, spiritual awakening, subconscious mind activation, a better sleep, relaxing and better memory power. When a mind is calm its brainwaves' pattern is at an optimum state.

Music is music. We can mixed it with nature but we can not mixed it with words.

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