216. Personality Profiling beyonds paper and pencil

MBTI, DISC, Enneagram, Psychogeometry, 16pfs, Platinium rules all have their certain degree of accuracy in describing a personality profile with say 75% good results, another 25% is a guessing game.

Many personality profiling questionnaires can determine whether a person is a leader or follower (generally leader/follower ratio is 1:5), introversion or extroversion, logical or emotional, a strong born leader or a moderate made leader.

However paper and pencil personality profiling method has its pitfall.

Neither EQ nor IQ can describe a person capability & reliability in this complex high speed world.

I prefer to use AIR : the beauty of Accountability, Integrity, Responsibility to profile a person's character size. Using AIR assessment tool will avoid confusion which cause by IQ, EQ, personality trait profiling pitfalls.

How to measure it?

Give a person a high pay job, or a job that he has not done it before; observe him, observe what he says and does over a period of time. This is one of methods, there are other social methods as well to assess a person character.

With dynamic profiling coupling with generic team work personality profiling, an organisation would have high chance of getting strong leaders at the helm. They generate profit and growth for the organisation.

“You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. ― C.G. Jung

In summary, to profile a person if needed , look for hi/her character traits, nor a personality profile, IQ or EQ traits.

Measure a person's character size by "AIR" (Accountability, Integrity, Responsibity) quality. Ensure AIR quality is 100% clean. - SK

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