232. Marathon Race

Marathon resume in 2022.

In case people want to go for mararthon race, starting 5km, 10km ,21km and 42 km.

The important thing is to know what IS YOUR OBJECTIVE?

Enjoy the process,and/or

Break through own records,and/or

Keep fit.

I think keeping fit is the prime consideration. Keep fit in terms of physical and muscles fitness, keep the Mind challenged.

As we aged, many body and mind functions do not keep pace with our experience and wisdom. You may be rich and gain more wsidom but the body and mind are getting poorer year after year.

The problems of over or under training:

Keep a regular training plan and gradually increase intensity of training.

whether 5km or 42km is a matter of training, set your tatget, you will reach there.

Not to worry about so much whether the heart, the knees or the angles cant take it.

As long as you train gradually, safely and find one day you will receive a finsihing medal of your choice.

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