Walk the walk, talk the talk , run the run, Now walk the run. Tomorrow is my mini-marathon run. I aim to be in top 5% of the race out of 16000 participants. I aim for a run record time of 1 hour for a 10km race. My body, brain and mind are ready for this event. Now, Walk the run. Finally my race result is out Time : 1:01:07 ,Dec 4 2011 SC Marathon, 10km Point, Time, Time of Day, Pace, START 00:00:00 7:15:04 am --4K 00:24:54 7:39:58 am 06:14 FINISH 01:01:07 8:16:10 am 06:03 Avg. Pace 06:07 Life is a process. Know our limits. Know what we can do and know what we cannot do." - Simon Kong How do we know how to define our limits? Before answering How, we need to address Why and How all together. With W_SWOT analysis; ask questions as Why (W) we are doing it and also doing asking SWOT (How) analysis for an event. After many rounds of asking Why and How. For examples, listen to our body ,listen to our feeling, listen to our mind, and listen to our divine. Human being are not made of stee...