138. ADHD and Fidgeting

Here the meanings of fidgeting: v.intr. 1. To behave or move nervously or restlessly.2. To play or fuss; fiddle: He fidgeted with his notes while lecturing. v.tr. 1.To cause to behave or move nervously or restlessly. n. 1. A condition of restlessness as manifested by nervous movements. Often used in the plural with the.2. One that fidgets. Products innovation, new technological gadgets, big or small, are moving towards promoting "fidgeting"; our primitive response to stress. Any product which helps to bring people mind in focus, in attention or reducing stress would sell like hot cakes. When I look around in bus ,in train and in airpport, it seems that almost everyone who is holding a new electronic device, is "fidgeting" consciously or subconsciously. Think deeply, look around, and see for yourself, in office, outside office, unknowingly, are we also belong to one of these fidgeting communities?!! Here is a brief write up of ADHD and fidgeting on Time Magazine Heal...