
Showing posts from 2017

225. Memory Techniques

Memories are in the past and now we make use our memories which stored in a brain for the present living effectively, so learn these techniques before we are aged and incapable of recall memory. Memory are techniques which can be learned- Simon Kong Why memory fails us? It is because when we aged, brain size shrinking accordingly, brain hormones production reduces as neurons have become less and less in amount. There are many memory trigger methods, today I recommend Journey Method below: If our brains are good and sound at present then there is no need or urgency to use memory techniques as short term memory can do most daily memory function for us. However when we are getting older, short term memory can't work well even for 6 seconds retention power therefore learning of these memory techniques becomes useful. Learn them make it a habit before short term memory fails us soon like dementia patient. The keys to memory trigger techniques are based on multiple sensory input...

224. Happiness is having less painful experience

The nature of illness is uncontrollable when it strikes. We all know that genetic, environmental, virus, bacteria and immune systems are main triggered causes. Happiness is having less painful experience or sickness. Happiness can not be found in external sources whether it is a physical location, a nice building, a good service or a satisfied product. all that tangible things do not define happiness. 疾病来襲如旋风,Illness is like a hurricane, 大树小树全落地, When it comes, big tree, small trees are all gone, 少住病床是幸福,Happiness is having less painful experience, 圣诞前夕共勉之。May this be everybody wishes in this festive season. Happiness links to external source, it is not happiness, it is called feeling good. You feel good after a sumptuous meal or bought a new car... May you be happy always.

223. It is My Life

In 2012 I was running 10km mini marathon. Now a full marathon. It can be done. I did it my way. 2017 SC Marathon To complete a long race, you need good supporters. Bon Jovi "The Concert For Sandy Relief 12-12-12" Live From Madison Square Garden in New York City 2012 USA I remembered that in 2008, a conversation with Mr. Chen, I mentioned to him that I ran a mini marathon. He replied: you don't look the one who can run marathon. feeling slightly embarrassed, So I reinstated that I ran for mini marathon, a 10km race. Since then running a full marathon to me is an optional event, i did not think seriously about it and suspect that those runners are irrational people who go for that long distance of run. But slowly and gradually, I change my view about marathon; marathon is about planning, discipline and execution power. But the most importance of all is how to make our knees or ankles revitalise again. As long as we don't go for knees or ankles su...

222. Synchronicity, Managing Coincidence

When the person is ready to heal, the doctor will be there. synchronicity is the name for when two or more events occur that appear to have no relationship, yet seem meaningfully related. Synchronicity vs Causality, Time vs Space. That relationships derived by CG Jung hundred years ago. For thousand years , there was an old saying in Chinese, when you mentioned General Cao, he could appear very soon or instantly near you. A well-known example of synchronicity involves the true story of French writer Emile Deschamps. In 1805 he was treated to some plum pudding by Monsieur de Fontgibu. Ten years later, he encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant, and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turns out to be Monsieur de Fontgibu. In 1832 Emile Deschamps visited a restaurant with a friend and is once again offered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier incident and told his friend that only Monsie...

221. 玩物多丧志 Computer Games may be bad for kids

电脑游戏 秀才读唐诗,年青而有为. 儿童玩电游,何止三百部! 古今相对比,谁是真乐趣? 玩物多丧志,父母须多留意!! Computer Games (Translation): Olddays, scholars read 300 pieces of Tang's poetry, they were young and promising. Nowadays, children play computer games, there should be playing more than three hundred sets in number. When ancient and modern style of hobby in comparison, which one you think is really a good pastime? May be computer game is addictive, possession , or may destroy ambition of youth? parents should pay attention to it! Computer games may be bad for kids, the root cause for compulsivity and impulsivity ??!! Why? Because computer games improve fingers' micro motor skills however high anxiety attached. Similarly, playing musical instruments is a better choice for kids when they are still young at age, try it for your children. Try Music not computer games. Similarly. Hand phone is another brain energy dampener? Be aware of it.

220. A Creative Mind

A creative mind is often created when the mind appreciates, admires and aware of the place where the mind is in it. In other words, a creative mind is a state of mind. It is hard to train one to become a creative person because it is a mind awakening state; manifested in instant ideas with strong desire in action. When two seemingly unrelated events or things are integrated into a meaningful way then creativity power flourishes. For examples: putting a telecommunication cable with a computer, you have internet. Putting a gas tube in a structure rubber you have a tyre, putting structured rubber tyres with a rotating motor you have a vehicle. Putting a satellite tracking with a bicycle you have obike rental system. integrate a computer software with neuroscience background you have neurofeedback, passing current to a copper wire with vacuum insulation to prevent oxidation, you have a light bulb in old day invention. putting a needle and a thread , you can sew clothes. Mozart writin...

219. 中文容易学习吗? Is Chinese Language easy to learn?

I learned Chinese and Chinese dialects (Cantonese) at a very early age, so they are mother tongue. English relatively with a proper learning environment was very late. I Learned Japanese and Malay at an adult age. Therefore the learning outcomes are; last in - first out, this is my overall languages' learning experience. In my opinion, Children should pick up more languages and music as young as possible. Because the integration of left and right brain functions started from young age. 中文容易学习 Chinese may be easy to learn but it is difficult to master it: 花五年会有成绩,多多努力吧. May be one can put in five years of effort in learning. 1. 每天要花时间学习 Spend time everyday 2. 每天要復習 Rehearse everyday 3. 每天要背誦 Read & Dictation every day 4. 每天要读报 Read ie Newspaper 5. 每天要写字 Practise Writing 6. 多听 More Listening Learning Chinese, Example One: Know Ying Yang origin of Chinese characters. The discovery of Chinese characters by observation of nature of Ying Yang or polarity pri...

218. Living a Passive Life vs Living a Passionate Life

Many people in this world have no chance to decide living a passive life or living a passionate life with meaning. Living a given passive life from birth means people have no control over their destinies. Which means they have become passive in living; to them living day by day is a norm, no happiness, no joy or sadness. When people decide to live a passionate life with purpose, with meaning. They see setting a goal is a process whether finally their can achieve their goals is another story. A goal consists of S.M.A.R.T strategy it needs to conform to the following criteria: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound. Setting a goal in life gives a person a vision to explore future pursue.Living a passionate life requires one sacrifices in between doubts. To meet S.M.A.R.T strategy, people may need to focus what they do, having passion to do it and enjoy doing it. Again fianancial goal is one aspect of living a passionate life with meaning... Passionate Musi...

217. Times have changed

DuFu (712 – 770 AD) wrote a poem at the age of seven. Now our children are masters in computer games. They are equal in their own rights. I would prefer words games rather then video games 杜甫七岁写诗,现在小孩子精通电脑游戏,真是所謂半斤八两。 杜甫 DuFU: 雨晴 A clear weather after rain 天水秋云薄,从西万里风。今朝好晴景,久雨不妨农。 塞柳行疏翠,山梨结小红。胡笳楼上发,一雁入高空。 This poem in Chinese described an autumn scene after a long-lasting rain. My reflection is : Times have changed. Different era people do different things. Ancient poets overused of their right brains, now our new generation are overused their left brains especially a brain which control fine fingers movement. With no proper parental guidance, this hobby may trigger more violent impulsive uncontrollable behaviors of children, which in turn carry towards to adulthood!!

216. Personality Profiling beyonds paper and pencil

MBTI, DISC, Enneagram, Psychogeometry, 16pfs, Platinium rules all have their certain degree of accuracy in describing a personality profile with say 75% good results, another 25% is a guessing game. Many personality profiling questionnaires can determine whether a person is a leader or follower (generally leader/follower ratio is 1:5), introversion or extroversion, logical or emotional, a strong born leader or a moderate made leader. However paper and pencil personality profiling method has its pitfall. Neither EQ nor IQ can describe a person capability & reliability in this complex high speed world. I prefer to use AIR : the beauty of Accountability, Integrity, Responsibility to profile a person's character size. Using AIR assessment tool will avoid confusion which cause by IQ, EQ, personality trait profiling pitfalls. How to measure it? Give a person a high pay job, or a job that he has not done it before; observe him, observe what he says and does over a pe...

215. Binaural Beat Frequency in Music

Music is for healing, chanting or ritual is for healing. Ritual, chanting and prayers calm the mind. Remembered at Mount Tienshan, we encountered snow storm, although we had no religions, however chanting and prayers helped a lot. Tibetian, Bhagavad Gita and Catholics have many beneficial chanting scripts. Music is the best form of healing device. One of my previous awakened mind mentor Anna who used to write Binarul Beat Frequency music in her awakening program during our certified training in CA. The principle of writing it is quite simple; for example if you want to produce 14Hz sound effect frequency music, what you need to do is to select two inputs of separate pure tones music with higher frequency; the net result of your ears would listen to just one output music frequency, that is 14Hz. For example listening 514Hz vibration from Left ear input, 500 Hz listening from right ear input then the brain perceive ounput as 14Hz, or you may just listen to the music from the s...

214. EEG Asia Brainwave Training for a better brain.

My EEG Asia website here, it is a simplified version and are located here in blog No. 214 and 191 far below blog. The concept of brain knowledge is in blog No.227 In EEG Asia, We help a brain learns loss functions or regain its homeostasis function. Neurofeedback was invented out of space research of rats in 1970, it combined neuroscience with a computer feedback technology, it is a new creation of mankind. ~~~~~ Brains need time to heal by Neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback enhances a brain autonomic response. ~~~~~ Duration of Neurofeedback training : 50 sessions to 100 sessions which spread over one to two years training span, do it once a week or twice a week training. ~~~~~ Brain training improves a person multiple intelligence like spatial,kinesthetic awareness, bodily awareness , music and environmental awareness, language and logic, maths skills, inter and intra personal skills. I believe specifically it impacts on a person physical body well being, slee...

213. Keep our "best view" of religion within ourselves

When you have no religion, be a bit polite to believers. When you have a religion , this is not everything for others, it is for you only, your circle of friends. Whatever religion you believe in, this is your choice, not others. it is a personal choice. We believe in different things and interpret meaning of life differently. Base on our personal experience, family background, upbringing, self reflection and circle of contact and influence, we find our belief system; or religion preference or spritituality connection. Everyone has a right in own belief system and so do other people because people minds are made different; heart, emotion and mindset are made up differently. There is no right or wrong in each belief system. Please be mindful that we don't act as if we are always right, force sell our religion is the only religion to this world. People have believed differently and explain their beliefs differently whether we believe in a soul, a spirit, a subconsciou...

212. Mountain Sickness

I have not openly described mountain sickness in details because this is a complex subject which facing mountain lovers. Acute mountain sickness in short is AMS. People prone to suffer from AMS, infact AMS danger and discomfort can be reduced or be avoided. AMS is a form of brain instability. Brain instability is triggered by lacking of oxygen flowing in a brain. three major areas of brain which vulnerable to instability are prefrontal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe. Brain instability can happen to anyone on the ground but at higher mountain range the trigger rate is much higher, especially with mountain height above 6000m. some vulnerable group of people at sea level whom may have potentially brain instability, they should consider taking extra care when climbing high mountains. People are born diffrently, even among sibling. If a person at a sea level or may be with ascend 2000m of mountain climb, he has already experience asthma, headache, insomnia, dizziness, ...

211. China Growth: A Mega Trend of China Model

China started grow since 1911 after the collapse of family based Qing Dynasty. However Warlords were fighting among each others. Japan knew it was China weakest time and started to penetrate china society through spies and business networks. The Japanese Invasion of China from 1931 to 1945, total life loss of 35 millions. The China Communist, the first resistance of Japanese force. Japanese soldiers' madness, Massacre 300,000 in Nanjing city, 1937. So the China military built up after 1945 has it historical reasons, the world should take it as a lesson. China saved the world war two by holding back millions of Japanese soldiers in mainland China so the Japanese military loss time to capture the world. China loss millions of millions of life to exchange for peace. Modernization of China since 1978 has been an ongoing process, is is not just a mere coincident event; it is an opportunity for an ancient giant wake up, rejuvenate herself. The impact of modernization and gro...

210. My reflection on leaders and masters

树大叶多虫鸟生, 池水清澈鱼儿鲜, 好大喜功失人意, 静心为本达天下, 自古良才甚少見, 唯靠历史镜光明. An Abundant tree attracts worms and birds, A clear pond keeps a few fish, Greediness and selfishness will disappoint others, Know your self first before you benefit the world, It is hard to call talented wise men to the service, May be we can learn from the past.

209. A Passion in Life

Do what you like best in life is a passion. A passion can be a career or it can just be a hobby. Passion guided Paul Lim to become a professional darts player many years ago. He trains twice daily too - a cup of tea in the morning before going at the dartboard for an hour and a half, then to work, followed by another two hours before bedtime. "It's a muscle memory thing, I've got to do it every day," he said "At competitions, you can start at 7.30am and play until night," he said." Imagine he trains 3.5 hours a day, 25 hours a week, 100 hours a month, 1200 hours a year. Based on 25000 hours critical training success factor to make a world class player so a person may need 20 years of tough training to register a good muscle memory, with proper training guidance and feedback. Do you have a will power to do this kind of training that would test how committed is your level of passion in a game. Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety nin...

208. The brain needs mainly earth magnetic field to grow

Muscles grow needs blood flow and blood flow needs Qi energy circulating in a body. Without Qi the body strength declined rapidly. - Simon Kong A big difference of the twins DNA just after one year as one of them stayed in the space station, the other used as a controlled on earth. You can see from the picture, ageing begins from the one who ventured into space (Scott on the right of picture @ video time 1.02). Archeology finding revealed that the first human found in south west China, Yunnan province, who used hands to create fire in 1.7 millions years ago (above picture). Along an evolution cycle, earth magnetic field helps the human brain to develop fully until human can use language to communicate effectively; ie listening, speaking, writing and reading, that development was amazing. Many species couldn't make it to nowadays world, they were eliminated long ago, like dinosaurs, golden Toad,Zanziba...

207. Singlish

Singlish is born out of necessity of communication in a muti-racial society like Singapore. Singlish consists of a mixutre of proper use of different languages and dialects but with no emphasis on grammar rules. In other words, Singlish is an effective tool of combined national languages and local dialects used for communication especially in a dialogue situation. As we know, when we talk among the same race, we chose the same language for conversation. However it is an unspoken rule that when we talk to other races in a social setting, we should use English or sometime Singlish. Some new immigrants; they use hammers for everything. They did not integrate well into our society, they still talk to others regardless of races using their own mother tongue. This is a failure in integration process. You notice that the words used in Singlish are proper words as being used in Malay, Chinese or English etc. For example: "Yesterday I visited JB kana Jam. 大年初一本不应该发生" . Which me...

206. The origin of independent great mind, Chairman Mao.

In China, Chairman Mao was a hero of his people from 1922 to 1949. Ever since 1949 to 1976 that his noble contribution to the nation was muted by the complication of his possessive mind of rigid communism. The ineffectiveness in executing his vision might be due to his over graving for power, status, insecurity and lacking the full knowledge of economy, instead at that time China was too poor to do anything constructive to a nation building. His time was no right. However together with Premier Deng Xiaoping , they found a solution for China new development after 1978 which in few thousand years of China history, no any wise men ever found the solutions, a socialist China style of political system which is unique to China only.From there onward they didn't sell their ideology to the world. During the civil and Japanese war of first half of 20th century (1901-1949) in China, If Mao didn't control China but instead Chiang Kay Sek and his general Chang, then the China we know now...

205. Ageing and delayed ageing

We can easily see the similarity of the above picture. If we examine carefully we could detect the differences; a child's legs moving very fast whereas an old man legs hardly move an inch. A child's body is soft and flexible, an old person body is stiff and rigid especially the joints. When a child is born and it was young, yang qi keeps growing say at 15 years until say 75 years then yang qi will stop growing. So from a not fully grow child state to a fully grown old man state, in my opinion the effective useful healthy life span of human is 75 years although statistics shows human can live until 120 years old with good health, they are minority. Getting old is a phenomenon where yang qi (energy flow) in a body keeps diminishing. When yang qi deficiency begins with the legs, the first sign of weakness is a person can't walk properly. We could easily recall our experience as a child learning to walk, an old person learning to fall. ...

204. What a creative person would need to do?

Continue Education is a basic, Creativity is a key, Courage with Intuition is a drive. Authors Cott B. Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire in their book mentioned ten things a creative person would do. they are Imaginative play, Passion, Daydreaming, Solitude, Intuition , Openness to experience, Mindfulness, Sensitivity, Turning adversity into advantage and Thinking differently. let's discuss about Intuition. The authors above mentioned that the mind operates by two systems. System 1 includes creativity-boosting process such as an intuition, emotions, reduced latent inhibition, heuristics and implicit learning. Implicit learning is a critical process, or frequently a catalyst for moments of creative inspiration and insight. System 2 processes are more effortful and controlled. for examples; reflection, rationality, metaphorical and analogical thoughts, cause and effect reasoning, reality monitoring, metacognition and executive functioning. Recently the USA declassified material s...

203. Keep Exercise, Keep Running.

When I first joined one of my previous employers. In that place, for a first few years I was very active in sports and I was made a team captain for an annual running event. Years later, One day during my further study time; in a classroom, when I looked around my classmates, they were young, around 25 years old. I was 40. Upon return home, passing by a stadium where an annual sports meet was held. I saw a bright promotion flyer which stated: "Veteran race" , the minimum age was 40. Wow Getting excited!!! Let's go for it. Reality set in. I didn't realize that since after 35 years old I seldom exercise. So the race was for people who kept fit all the time. From 40 to 50 years, old habits set in, I didn't do much exercise as usual. Until one day I realized that when fell on a slippery floor, that fall was very hard, the fall woke up my daydream day. Things had changed when one day I took part in a 4km charity run at 51 of age. Now running has become my a...

202. Intention has its own mirror

Words can not express an intention fully because the intention is hidden in an action. The manifestation of intention is by action hence words spoken is very easy and very superficial, unless they are supported by concrete action. As my friend used to say it "I say, you say and they say and with no action" phenomenon is very common. It can be described in an old Chinese phrase 听其言而观其行 tīng qí yán ér guān qí xíng ,listen to what a person says and watch what he does. Why words have their limitation? My explanation is that, words usually containing high ego state, are articulated consciously; therefore they are not supported by subsconscious state or intention or action. That explains as why a normal heated argument usually run out of control and leading to a fight. Why we don't talk during sleep? when we sleep why intention uncovered? When we are in deep sleep normally we don't talk. Sleep talking is considered as an illness. sleep is in fact brings us b...