225. Memory Techniques
Memories are in the past and now we make use our memories which stored in a brain for the present living effectively, so learn these techniques before we are aged and incapable of recall memory. Memory are techniques which can be learned- Simon Kong Why memory fails us? It is because when we aged, brain size shrinking accordingly, brain hormones production reduces as neurons have become less and less in amount. There are many memory trigger methods, today I recommend Journey Method below: If our brains are good and sound at present then there is no need or urgency to use memory techniques as short term memory can do most daily memory function for us. However when we are getting older, short term memory can't work well even for 6 seconds retention power therefore learning of these memory techniques becomes useful. Learn them make it a habit before short term memory fails us soon like dementia patient. The keys to memory trigger techniques are based on multiple sensory input...