
Showing posts from 2009

37. Self Esteem

The biggest gain which children benefited from brainwave coaching is self esteem improvement. In my opinion, self esteem is rated far more important then Mental Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. Synonyms or near-synonyms of self-esteem include: self-worth,[1] self-regard,[2] self-respect,[3][4] self-love (which can express overtones of self-promotion),[5] and self-integrity. Self-esteem is distinct from self-confidence and self-efficacy, which involve beliefs about ability and future performance.- wikipedia "Self-esteem is the ratio between success and aspirations, between how well we do and what we aim to do. " - William James The underlining principle on self esteem is having good brainwave patterns. ---

36. The State of Mind of a Leader

Is there such a thing known as the state of mind of a leader? Leaders are situational and environmentally influenced and naturally created. Leadership is not about knowing the types of leadership profile, it is not about power. But it is about knowing the ground and the timely execution of a noble plan. The noble plan must be recognised and agreed by all levels of people involved in the decision making process. Leaders treat people as equal. The state of mind of a leader is only known by a leader himself or herself: If you are not a good material for a leader then it is good to step back, learn to be a good follower! If you are a good leader then do something big for the mankind! It is your calling. Opprtunites are plenty. ---

35. This world needs more awakened people to battle climate change

More and more flood, drought and cold winter... Inventor Edison and USA Past President Linclon were awakened people. Al Gore is an awakened people. There are a few percent of awakened people in the world. Awakened people saved the world. We have many politicians whether they are from the rich or developing countries; they are obviously less awakened because they are being attracted and attached to their countries' interests. In fact they are very short sighted as world citizens. Awakened people are people with far sighted with forward thinking. They are often being mis-understood. Al Gore intention was mis-understood. Global problems & issues need people who have clear global view, awakened people are those people urgently needed by the world now. The reason for climate change is not new. More human activities, more fuels required, sea temperature between pacific ocean and atlantic ocean equalised. Tidal wave patterns upset and hence wind and cloud formation developed new patte...

34. Brainwave determines Performance

The performance of a brain is linked to bodily function & behaviours. As for the body behaviours and action are determined consciously or subconsciously by a person thinking and feeling mind. Brainwave coaching has impacted on all these levels of mind. When neurons are connected to each other in special ways which they produce different brainwave vibration. This vibration can be learned, be understood. We can channel this useful connectivity into positive outcome for the brain. ---

33. The nature of brainwave

The nature of brainwave comes from the nature. Do more things the nature way. The homeotasis state of brainwave comes from the stability of body and mind interaction. ----

32. At Last - USA health authority studies the coaching effect of Neurofeedback

A new star is born! An article on Neurofeedback was posted on The Washington Post (see resource article 17 on my web site) or link It says "Ohio State University child psychiatrist L. Eugene Arnold, the NIMH project's director, says the institute agreed to fund the study as a result of new interest by the influential national advocacy group Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. CHADD receives about one-third of its revenues from pharmaceutical firms and historically has vigorously supported medication as a first-line treatment for ADHD. Yet in recent years the group has grown more willing to consider nondrug therapies." - TWP Here is my opinions: 1. The studies should be more extensive, covering more time frame and behavioural change issues. 2. Give more acceptance to the Neurofeedback profession and do not see it as a threat to the any industries because N...

31. Thank You all Twelve Awakened Runners

I took part in Standard Chartered Run yesterday. It was a good run and the weather was cloudy and good. A new route this year with up and down hill. I met awakened people in this run and I must thanks all twelve of them for their advcie. These were the awakened runners who had attained their awakened states without them actually knowing. Since they saw my weakness from a distance, I am sure they ran ahead of me in this race. My run was supposed to break one-hour barrier for my 10 km run. But the event did not turn out the way I want to see. My record was 8 minutes away from my target. During the run,I had a loose shoelace and I knew that I cant stop running as stopping means pains and breaking the momentum. I knew I have the ability not to focus on the shoelace and I kept on running. But after 12 reminders from nearby awakened runners who spotted my shoe's fault. I kept thanked them and explained to them that I was aware of the situation and took extra care on safety. As towards 2/...

30. Wishing You A Merry Christmas

Wishing You a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. --- Click it to enlarge the crystal

29. Open our minds

Brain waves coaching Lights are generated by electricity or battery. Lights permit us to see in the dark. Thanks to Thomas Edison who helped the human race to advance its civilisation. Edison was a misunderstood child. In 1837 the Edison family fled from Canada to the U.S. because Thomas Edison's father was involved in a revolutionary movement against the Canadian Government. Ten years later Thomas was born, and within his first six years he had managed to burn down the family barn. During his early years, Thomas suffered from scarlet fever and several ear infections, which left him hard of hearing. Thomas Alvin Edison is cited more often than any other historical figure for exhibiting classic hyperactive ADD behavior. We need many Edisons to solve our world challenges. In my opinion, an ordinary people do not have the wit to handle the world challenges as they do not possess the neccessary brainwave patterns to be creative. In contrast, people who are now being labelled as ADHD/A...

28. Hebb's Law

Donald Hebb knew the nature of the brain cell. he was one of the pioneers of Neuroscience. Donald Hebb dsicovered the energy souce of the mind. He paved the foundation of more discoveries in neuroscience. When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A's efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased. This is often paraphrased as "Neurons that fire together wire together." It is commonly referred to as Hebb's Law. -wikipedia -

27. Cultivating the re-use mindset and add value to other people life

The uncontrollable carbon dioxide emission is a known fact. Differrent people blame the emission on different causes. If your are a car maker or a tobacco maker or a plantation owner you would blame the global warming as effects of solar black spots and solar peak magnetic field interference cycle. Let's put all the commercial interests aside. As a citizen, if we find that we have somethings we don't use them. Don't throw them as rubbish. Because the things you don't find them useful but other people may find them very useful instead. The world needs to find solutions of disposing un-used goods, foods and fruits which are over packaged. You may see some food items in supermarket which are having 300% packaging.That is called over packaging. Plastic is good for its corrosion resistant and being light weight. We could make full use of it values but we can't make everything out of plastics. The earth just can not bear the result of burning plastic into carbon dioxide, ...

26. EEG Biofeedback Computer Technology Based Mind Coaching

When one of my neighbours was doing renovation work. The sound generated from the drill bit was not easy to bear. There were choices to be made, either I ignored the sound or I got out from my flat to avoid the noise. But I have decided to hook up an EEG Biofeedback machine to quiet the mind. EEG Biofeedback can help us overcome inattention, irritability, agitation and emotional reactivity, being more physically agile individual,less procrastination, have better delayed gratification and being mentally sharp. Other benefits include better ideas creation, better reading, memory works, able to respect authority and attaining higher energy level because the brain is the final organ which interprets signals from outside world.

25. Win or Lose in an investment is in the selection of a compatible mind.

Whether we are doing our own financial investments or working as a partner of investment with others. Before we venture into any form of investments , be mindful of our investment partners' mindsets and personality types. Our investment partners can be our remisers or our fund managers or our business partners. Be aware of the compatibility of our partners' and our own mindsets on investment. In order to gain from an investment, despite of many other external variable factors, our mind and our investment partner's mind must be in synchrony. Our personality and the partners' must not be in conflict in term of energy level and communication channel. Hence our winning strategies will depend on our partners' supporting roles and our own efforts. The success in any investment has become more lasting and fullfiling. Research this well. ---

24. Win or lose in a contest?

WIN A CAR CONTEST Who will be the winner in a touch-a-car winning contest? There is a contest event happening in town, the contest started with some 400 participants. All the participants are very fit people. The rules of the car-touching contest are: 1) Each participant needs to use a hand hold-on to a car's windscreen for a few days. Without removing his/her hand from the windscreen, the last person who can remain standing and holding a car is the winner. 2) Participants need to stand in a hand-still position and are being exposed to outdoor weather conditions: standing days and nights under the hot sun, wind or rain . 3) For every one hour they are allowed to take a rest for 5 mins. Here is my general observation of the contest: After 48 hours into the contest I saw 70+ participants survived. After 60 hours into the contest there were 17 participants remaining. After 70 hours into the contest I saw 7 remaining. After 74 hours, I witness four particapinats remaining . Let me cal...

23. Addiction and Phobia paralyse the mind

Addiction craving, a phobia for a specific event or a phobia of insects are so stubborn and long-lived. All these are our natural mechanism to cope with stress, pleasure, and invaders. Enjoying coffee, alcohol everyday at a moderate amount is a lifestyle choice. If that amount consume is exceeded the normal amount that we may call it a mild addiction. people can have daily dependent on such item to make life more functional. Other more serious addictions are substance abuse, sex addiction and more. The list of addiction could be very long and the cure can be mental, emotional and physical. The process of recovery could be long. Addiction craving is an assertive body response whereas phobia is a body reactive response. The source of phobia comes from the environment and the addiction could come from the mind. One can avoid phobia conditions and phobia induced environment but it is difficult to avoid addictive urge. Addiction and phobia have two entirlely different neuro-pathways. Anxiet...

22. Knowledge, Wisdom and Character Building

I met parents and almost everyone of them has the desire to see their children doing well academically. This is human nature and this is perfectly rational. However only a few parents openly expressed strong desire to see their children developing good characters. Our thoughts determine our actions. Be mindful about what is in your mind. If academic achievement always dominating our mind then our action will also gear towards that direction. What we focus on it and it will expand. Knowledge is easy to acquire especially where we are in this internet age. Acquire wisdom is difficult; wisdom gain through accumulation of experience, it is not about knowledge. Wisdom comes from our self reflection, internalisation, logical analysis, intention setting, compassion, application of knowledege and action. Character building is even harder. Building character for young children should be the priority instead of seeking knowledge excellent. Good character building starts from young. Would you con...

21. A Living Mind

A persistent and a flexible living mind What makes a persistent and a flexible living mind? - keeping calmness and alertness at any time at will - focusing clear objectives and vision - manoeuvre through each obstacle and challenge - mindful of self and the surrounding - cultivating keen interest and passion ---

20. The Migrainous Brain

Many famous people had migraines ie Mark Twian, Charles Darwin, William Shakespeare, and Napoleon Bonaparte. How wonderful it is when your life long suffering of migraine brain has stopped by a brand new start of brainwave training. Your migraines occurrence is not a big burden to you any more. Then it is time for you to celebrate your liberation. When I first set out brainwave training, I went for helping children with learning difficulties. In EEG Asia we believe in neuronal plasticity which means that we believe in new brain cells reproduction. A brain is a brain and it can be trained by brainwave training. For some migrainous brains that might take a bit longer training time as compared to ordinary people. There are foods that can trigger migraines such as milk chocolate,aged cheese, banana, raspberries,livers, and even MSG. However foods that trigger migraines vary from person to person and it is very personal specific just as same as allergy. Sometimes seeing light,...

19. Where to find a best medicine for the brain?

The best medicine for the brain is inside yourself, your immune system, and your antibody : "Y" is YOU. When we are honest to ourselves, we would know that there is no single treatment plan which can help our bodies functioning better. Each treatment method has its positive effects and its side effects; its strengths and its weaknesses. Our bodies are complex living organisms and we need: Chinese Medicine Western Medicine Alternative Medicine Prayers Chanting Rituals Counselling Healing The best ways of enhancing better body function are to have good habits, good rituals, better pyhsical exercise regime, better or appropriate foods & supplement intake (but do not over do it), and better active, sleep & rest cycle. ----

18. Managing Brainwaves

Concentration and Focus 'Given the right stimulation and nurture, every child can manifest his or her genius.' - Tony Buzan 'Brainwaves determine Behaviours.' - Simon Kong Treat concentration and focus as new subjects. Let's look at different perspectives below: “When children or adults are distracted they are paying attention to something else. “– The brother Grimm “Successful concentration occurs naturally when the target of our attention varies”. – Ellen Langer “Although these stimulants may be effective in producing a quieter and less disruptive child, they do not necessarily help make a child a better student.” – Ellen Langer “ If you want to perform at the highest level, you must learn to become absorbed in the reality of what you are doing while unconsciously and simultaneously observing but not engaging in the reality of potential distraction around and within you” - Mike Lardon “Concentration is often called one-pointedness of mind. Concentration is pretty ...

17. A Road Less Travelled. Neuorfeedback and EEG Biofeedback

A road less travelled – Neurofeedback and EEG Biofeedabck Love and discipline are essential for mental health. Lacking of them in childhood may lead to difficulties in an adult life. M. Scott mentioned this observation 20 years ago. Western and Chinese medicine treat our body total differently. Chinese medicine promotes body harmony (ying and yang balance) whereas western medicine is famous for its quick fix. I have to admire western medical advancement in the field of medical instrumentation such as X ray, PET, MRI and ultra-sound scans on the brain,surgery,and neuroscience. Neuroscience has helped western medicine branching out into pharmacology sector and it produces many medicines which help to relief pains for the patients. Chinese medicine did very well in promoting self healing and self regulation for internal body organs using herbs and accupuntunce along the body 14 meridian energy lines. Chinese medcine growth could have made better advancement in 3rd century BC if a Chinese ...

16. Emotional mind versus logical mind

Emotional response time for human being and plant vary from 2 seconds to 2 minutes. For animal it could be as low as 300ms. Some insects have response time to 20 ms Emotional reactivity is the most difficult type of brainwave coaching I have ever encountered: How to training the emotion mind to calm down? How to reduce an emotional mind from agitation? How to manage a violent act? The expression of a human mind varies dependent on an emotion content, experience, the environment and situation. The most difficult one is to predict how the emotion mind reacts. There are attempts to measure the quality of the emotion mind by assigning some number to it from an EQ test, but the understanding of emotion mind is still very primitive as compared to other hard sciences. The emotional mind have these features: 1) thinks negativity in the first encounter of threat, 2) has the fight and flight response, 3) avoids pain, 4) avoids danger, and 5) protects the body from any harmful threats. You have t...

15. Mind and Thinking Stuff

Wallace Wattles raised statements below on "a formless substance" a hundred years ago. There are two interpretation for his statements. One is on the act of a universal god, "words" permeate and penetrate the universe; the other explanation is on the working of a subconscious mind which creates reality in a brain. He said: "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created." Whichever belief system we choose, ie God or Subconscious Mind, but in a first place we need a physical brain to connect and process all internal and external information. Wallac Wattles might have read an old Chinese idiom saying "心想事成": " With ...

14. A Happy Mind

A never ending search for Happiness... Below are two scenarios of mental states: Healthy, Wealthy and Happy state. Healthy, Wealthy but not Happy state. Some people say that you need to serve others to be happy. Another person says happiness is within you. Someone says " In order to be happy we must keep busy, keep enjoying." , "Happiness is in the doing." I read many books on happiness and listen to many wisemen and gurus' comments. Here is the gist of it : "Happiness is your creation." Happiness is a state Happiness is a process, happiness is a feeling and happiness is a 'state'. We may not 'find' happiness or happiness may not exist as a destination,or in a place.- Simon Kong "Happiness is a balance between extremities" "Happiness - it's a resource that comes from many things. Generally, I consider it as a balance between extremities. Happiness, for me, is a mixture of city and nature, people and solitud...

13. Brain and Mind Development

Training and coaching the brain and mind for the young and the elder are now possible with EEG Biofeedback. Brain and Mind Development. Hyperactivity, Impulsivity are parts of brain activites. We can train a brain to be less active in those apsect of behaviours. Once we change a perception on a mind development we will soon realise that we are training genius minds to save our world. This world needs many geniuses to tackle new challenges ahead. Our brains develop all the time. When a brain reaches its peak development state and it will maintain its function until ageing set in. Below is my understanding of a brain timeline of development between 0 and 110 years of age: 0-3 Years: Formative years; awareness of emotion and core character building. 3-9 Years: Next phase of brain development. Creativity and Memory are in top form. 9-14 Years: Full maturity of a brain. 14-25 Years: Best output of brain function and a very productive stage. 25-60 Years: A brain maintains its core functions....

12. True knowledge could not be taught by words alone. - We must research this well.

Simon Kong Learn how to engage your senses Laozi was born in 5th century BC, an ancient Chinese philosopher and a genius. He mentioned the origin of knowing which the mind can perceive: "道 可 道 , 非 常 道" Dao Ke Dao, Fei Chang Dao Meaning "The Dao that can be spoken of is not the enduring and unchanging Dao." My way of interpreting Laozi saying is that, when the truth (道,Dao) can be explained or described by words or expressed verbally then it has lost its original intent. Likewise a truth has to be appreciated. We have to use our internal senses to acknowledge it. Infact "道 可 道 , 非 常 道" could be a thinking, reflection, a closed loop biofeedback learning system which a decision maker uses it for processing information. For example, when a master of a profession who is looking for a successor, or a CEO wants to pass a baton to his CEO successor. He has two options in his decision making process: Firstly he is looking for someone who has dem...

11. Three States of Mind

May I suggest these three states of mind for our every day living. The Wealthy State of Mind - How to achieve it? By Giving and receiving.- This is a process, it takes time, effort and strategy to create wealth. The Healthy State of Mind - How to achieve it? By having Healthy Brainwaves.- This is a process but it takes time, effort and discipline to maintain optimum health. The Happy State of Mind - How to achieve it? By having Calmness & Alertness; Peace and Serenity. - This is not a process. It requires no time, effort and strategy to maintain happiness. In our daily life, Healthy, Happy and Wealthy Mind complement our body. Besides the body needs balanced diet, good sleep and physical exercise. Invest our times wisely, exercise our intelligence power, change our old habits and put in more efforts to explore better life styles available to us.

10. What we really want is to have a good sleep.

A Good Sleep at any time and at any place is a gift. - Simon Kong Take care of our sleep before we could do any things useful for ourselves and for the whole community. - Think of a good quality of sleep first and then think about works second. People tend to think that we can work hard and complete the job then we can have a better rest. Be aware that we may be over burden our body system. Below are some provocating thoughts: 1. "Life is preparing yourself well during the day for a good night sleep." - Simon Kong 2. "you must sleep sometime between lunch and dinner, and no halfway measures. Take off your clothes and get into bed. That's what I always do. Don't think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the day. That's foolish notion held by people who have no imaginations. you will be able to accomplish more. You get two days in one-well, at least one and a half." - Winston Churchill So take care of what we do in a day and observe how w...

9. Managing Success and Failure

Dismantle the Success and Failure Pendulum in Your Mind. We had success and we had Failure. When we look at success and failure as two extreme entities then it leads to a clear distinction of 'have it' or 'dont have it' state of mind. The greed for success or the fear of failure will set in like a pendulum. Whether it is a health condition or a carrer path, nobody can stay at top of the apex. The nature works in this way, we have to learn to accept it. Here is a mind pendulum written in Chinese (author unknown). A never ending pendulum: 説説就好 説了又不听 听了又不懂 不懂又不問 問了又不会 会了又不做 做了又做錯 錯了又不認 認了又不改 改了又不服 不服又不説 説説就好 That never ending swing of pendulum will dictate our life until one day we would ask a basic question. Such as what is a success? What is failure? Who is that for? or who has made that failure or success? As we redefine the success or failure for ourselves and the community, as we build our health, happiness and accumulation of wealth, we would realise that the success...

8. The Five Minds for the Future

"Five Minds make an Awakened Mind" - Simon Kong As in my previous posting (6), I mentioned that my observation on fern leaves forming pentagon or hexagon shape, a natural way of creativity expression. Now there is a person who creatively proposed a new model of mind for the future. Prof. Howard Gardner created a model to explain how the human mind works. His write-up is a step closer to the nature of mind. Prof Gardner's Five Mind Model: see link Five minds are key capacities of the mind a person needed for future growth and self development: 1. The Creative Mind helps us to create new ideas and break new ground. 2. The Synthesizing Mind helps us sort out information, evaluate them and use them. 3. The Disciplined Mind helps us learn the skills of mastery a new subject well. 4. The Ethical Mind helps us strive a balance between self interest, good work and a good citizen. 5. The Respectful Mind helps us understand, ...

7. Body and Mind Balancing

Learn how to appreciate Serenity, Happiness, Creativity. Having good memory , Healthy and Wealthy of mind in our life. "Unity of body and mind is Harmony" - Simon Kong What is Stress? Stress is when the body and the mind are out of balance. Chemicals imbalance in a brain. "Unity of body and mind is Harmony. Harmony may be achieved when the shortest path established between the body and the mind." - Simon Kong I would like to share with you on the topic of stress. My view on stress is easily understood by all. For the past six years I have been studying body and mind interaction as a professional level. I practise it and I help other people to understand it as well. In the process of discovery journey it makes me recognised the importance of body and mind balancing. A friend of mine asked me of a fundamental question. “Body come first or mind first?” My respond to this question is that when these entities (body and mind)are in tune we feel good and energized in a day...

6. Discovering new ideas

How new ideas are formed? " Be Observant at all times. It is a challenge call for all. " - Simon Kong People used to say that "It seems that all the dsicoveries had discovered by others. Oh boy! I was born a little too late". If you believe the above statement is true then probably it is true. Because that is your actual mind state. But, our mind state can change when we introduce awakened mind coaching and brainwave training. or simply you change your perspective. However there are more and more discoveries and inventions happening every day since after we were born. How can there be and what conditions made that discoveries happened? Look at a person who discovered the benzene ring chemical structure when he was actually discovered it in a dream. Professor Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz discovered it in 1858. We could learn from Mozart who used multiple senses to create music instead of sitting infront of the keyboard to figure it out. Synesthesia is a hig...

5,Music is a language with no boundary.

Excellent quality comes first in music. Yuri Bashmet is such a person who has awakened in music. He plays viola and conducts a string ensemble to a near perfection. As an awakened conductor who conducts an ensemble without any aid except his hands. His team members become awakened in a short possible time. People who work with him must acquire a calm mind to match his high standard. I witnessed the performance of Yuri and his ensemble was accorded a standing ovation at the Esplanade concert hall. When music playing reaches its peak performance state, the ultimate outcome we get is a moment of silence. Thank You for the music ---

4. The Financial World Behaviour and Elliott Wave Pattern

The financial world growth pattern behaves like Elliott wave-like patterns. The closer model I can get is Elliott Wave Model. Although the market does not follow any predetermined patterns at any given time but when we extrapolate the trend over a period of time, the final outcome of the market should follow Elliott wave patterns. When we are unusually uncertain about the market trend, look for Elliott waves for guidance. ---

3.The nature itself is creative

"The nature is creative, appreciate and trust the nature and we will be creative. We need to open up the possibility which comes to us. - Simon Kong "Creativity is duality and diversity. Creativity is thinking in extremity" - Simon Kong The National Advisory Committee for Creative and Cultural Education (NACCCE,UK) defines creativity in this way:"Imaginative activity fashioned so as to produce outcomes that are both original and of value." We make rules to help us manage activities well and in the process of compliance, we may have tendency to siphon away creativity. Rules add values to productivity gain and they must make originality incorporated to match the creative outcomes. I can see everyone of us has inherently creative genes and yet many of us do not aware of creativity lies within ourselves. What we have already possessed is the creative nature. However the physical condition, the past experience of punishment and rewards, the negative and positive rei...